
Showing posts from June, 2011

God is Listening

Have you ever wondered why it is that most people don't seem to have spiritual gifts? I have. I have asked Steven a hundred times, "Why me?" He always responds, "You asked". He is right, as usual, when he says that. I did ask. I asked in my own way. My thoughts asked. I remember praying. I prayed and prayed to God, making sure to include prayers for the people I loved and even those I didn't know to make sure that God knew I was not being selfish. How naive, now that I think about it. God doesn't think like that - we do. I remember praying this specific prayer, "Please help me, God. Help me. I don't know what to do. I feel lost. I don't know if I am going the right direction or if I am doing the right thing. I just don't know what to do. " I would cry myself to sleep some nights for the feeling of being so lost and alone and the silence that came after my prayers made the aloneness even worse. I knew that there had t...

In Between

In between worlds - that's me. Lately I have been mostly in this world. My kids, husband and household occupy most of my time. I feel like I have been lost in a whirlwind by the end of the day; not knowing my front from my back. Life shouldn't be like that. It use to not be like that. I remember when I use to have all day to philosophize and speak with the Other Side. It was nice. I knew myself then. Well, my other self that is. I felt comfortable being with Spirit and learning from them. 75% of my day was in conversation with Steven, my guide, or others in spirit who wished to communicate with me. The other 25% was with people who knew only the mundane aspects of life. People who had no idea what went on around them, two feet above them and to the left. The silent voices of Spirit passed them by like so many whispers in the wind. For me, though, those voices were a light in the darkness. MY world. They made me special. Back to reality . Today my son decide...