Glimpses of the Future
Believe it or not, everyone knows to a degree what is going to happen to them in this life. Some of us are blessed/cursed to remember more than others. That is just the way we planned it, though. Our level of amnesia is individual and controllable. Yes, controllable. You don't believe me? Well, I didn't believe it either, until I started remembering. How did I remember, you may ask? Well, I just looked. How did I look? I asked questions of myself. And YES, I got answers!
This is where it gets complicated, though. The physical mind is full of booby traps. They are designed to keep us safe but as a side effect these booby traps also keep us from remembering. It is only a physical body thing. We as Spirit are capable of knowing and remembering anything we like. We are similarly able to forget and "not know" anything we like. The physical body acts as a barrier to ourselves, however, increasing the challenges of the game of life. We come into the body knowing this. Our descent into the physical universe is purposeful, calculated, and admittedly fun. YES! You may not see your life's challenges as fun, but in the end, when you have left your body and look back at life, you will undoubtedly want to return because of the roller coaster ride you just experienced.
Take a moment to digest all of that and come back to reading when you have determined what, if any of it, seems true to you. Many people will reject the idea of life as a "game". I did. I was disgusted by it. Why? Because I didn't like thinking that my pain and upset, the challenges I face, my failures and successes, were part of a "game". How unjust! But then again, I couldn't imagine eternity sitting on a cloud and playing a harp, either. How boring! Eventually, I realized it only makes sense that we would create unknowns to make existence entertaining and interesting. I like harp music, really I do, but I can't imagine an eternity of it.
But now, consider this: If we choose to forget who we are by taking on a physical body and purposefully forgetting where we came from and all our past life experience upon entrance into a physical body, then wouldn't it make sense that, if we wanted to, we could remember whenever we chose? That we could know whenever we chose? The physical body is NOT who we are. The sooner you realize this, the quicker you will realize that you CAN remember.
What is even crazier about all this is that we are remembering all the time and we are so caught up in life that we are not recognizing that we remember. And each and every time we don't recognize that little feeling or thought in the back of our minds, we increase our belief that we can't remember. The more we believe we can't, the less and less we remember. For example, suppose you are walking along, doing some shopping, your thoughts all over the place as you consider your day, your problems, you current concerns. As those thoughts randomly pass through your mind, there is one that seems "off". It is a simple thought amidst your own that just doesn't fit. It says, "Are you sure?" or "Why?" or "Yes!". You pause for a nanosecond as it throws you off and brings you into present time briefly. Then you make the ultimate mistake: You invalidate that thought, push it away and justify it with another thought, "That is ridiculous" or "That won't happen" or even worse, you forget the thought as quickly as you noticed it, caught up in your shopping and distracted by life.
Have you ever stopped and listened to your own thoughts? I mean really listened? You would be surprised at how random and, yes, weird, they are, and how much you talk to yourself. We have complete conversations with ourselves all the time. Yep. We are nut jobs, aren't we? NO! We are talking to ourselves, yes, but those thoughts that are answering that seem to be us, they're not always us. Sometimes they are our guides, the divine, God, whatever you want to call it. Sometimes, we are talking to heaven. The sad thing is, 99% of the time we don't even know it.
One of the first lessons my guide taught me after meeting him was how to listen. Now I was at a place in my life where I was already paying attention to those conversations going on in my head. I recall having them from a very, very young age. I noticed them then and even gave them names. I was laughed at and ridiculed by my own family for my "imaginary friends", so I stopped talking about them and just pushed them away, into my subconscious. In my teen years, they returned and I felt "crazy" because the conversations became twisted and booby trapped. By my twenties they had returned but I meditated and all of a sudden those conversations got louder and I recognized that I was not always talking to myself. Someone else was there....but who? This question is what led me to my guides and that question continued to drive me to listen. I listened so well that I remembered huge amounts about myself. So, if you want to try and remember, use caution, because once you can hear those other voices, it opens a whole other can of worms.
Most people, however, struggle with listening to their own thoughts. Meditation is a great way to start practicing. Some believe that meditation is silencing your thoughts. That would be a big mistake. One has to let the thoughts run their course, acknowledge them and pay attention to them to truly be successful at meditation. The great thing about meditation is that you become more able to recognize what thoughts are yours and what thoughts are not yours. The hardest part is figuring out if those thoughts are divine or if they are part of the booby traps that plague the physical mind. This is when your intuition comes in. You have to be able to recognize truth by he way it feels. If you can't, then you run the chance of hitting some major roadblocks.
Here is an example: Yesterday, while driving along with my kids in a part of town I had been in thousands of times, I passed by a sign for an attorney's office. I glanced at it and thought, "I'm going to be there some day". I paused and my stomach flip flopped for a moment. I questioned my thought, "What?" And this time I heard, "You will need one". I then saw myself walking into that very office. It was a flash of memory (a remembering really), but it was there and I recognized it. I had a feeling hit me that I can only describe as recognition. It is similar to the feeling one gets when they are about to do something important, in this case, like starting a new graduate course. It was not a scared feeling, it was a nervous one with a feeling of "I know I can do this". In an instant I concluded that, yes, I would need an attorney one day, and likely visit this particular office. I remembered other times when I had seen the sign and realized I had pushed aside the voice in the past. For some reason, I didn't this time, and the message got through. I remembered a little part of my life and it was because I listened.
Later, after I got over the initial shock of recognizing this memory, I got scared. Why would I visit this office? What was going to happen? The worry of the thoughts blocked out the memory of the truth so I was left with unknowns. Me, knowing I could know when I needed to, calmed down and simply asked, "When?" I knew instantly that it would be four years. I calmed down. Then I saw myself walking into the office again. The feeling with it was not bad or good, it was like any other obligation needing to be fulfilled. I also knew it was for family. I also knew it was not anything to worry about. I had to stop wondering now or I would drive myself crazy. I had to trust that my feelings were truth. Besides, what fun would it be to know everything?
Now, when I have these memories, I write them down. They come true - always. I had another one recently which disturbed me. I was wondering if anyone in my family would die before my grandmother. I instantly knew someone would. It made my stomach drop (another sign of its validity) and I knew more than I wanted to know. It won't be for a while, but I am certain there is little I can do about it. It sucks to know sometimes. I, personally, have to be very careful when I ask myself questions.
So if you want to remember, take some time to listen to your own thoughts. It takes practice so don't expect instant results. It also takes belief. Belief in yourself. Belief in your own gut feelings. Belief that you are capable of remembering. If you are a skeptic, then those doubts will go viral. I definitely don't recommend trying this if you doubt. You have to be able to believe and hold onto that belief. Otherwise, you will fall victim to the booby traps. But hey, we are all victims of them at times, some more than others, and we are still surviving pretty good. So don't be down on yourself if you can't become adept at listening and remembering. You have many more lifetimes to get the hang of it.
This is where it gets complicated, though. The physical mind is full of booby traps. They are designed to keep us safe but as a side effect these booby traps also keep us from remembering. It is only a physical body thing. We as Spirit are capable of knowing and remembering anything we like. We are similarly able to forget and "not know" anything we like. The physical body acts as a barrier to ourselves, however, increasing the challenges of the game of life. We come into the body knowing this. Our descent into the physical universe is purposeful, calculated, and admittedly fun. YES! You may not see your life's challenges as fun, but in the end, when you have left your body and look back at life, you will undoubtedly want to return because of the roller coaster ride you just experienced.
Take a moment to digest all of that and come back to reading when you have determined what, if any of it, seems true to you. Many people will reject the idea of life as a "game". I did. I was disgusted by it. Why? Because I didn't like thinking that my pain and upset, the challenges I face, my failures and successes, were part of a "game". How unjust! But then again, I couldn't imagine eternity sitting on a cloud and playing a harp, either. How boring! Eventually, I realized it only makes sense that we would create unknowns to make existence entertaining and interesting. I like harp music, really I do, but I can't imagine an eternity of it.
But now, consider this: If we choose to forget who we are by taking on a physical body and purposefully forgetting where we came from and all our past life experience upon entrance into a physical body, then wouldn't it make sense that, if we wanted to, we could remember whenever we chose? That we could know whenever we chose? The physical body is NOT who we are. The sooner you realize this, the quicker you will realize that you CAN remember.
What is even crazier about all this is that we are remembering all the time and we are so caught up in life that we are not recognizing that we remember. And each and every time we don't recognize that little feeling or thought in the back of our minds, we increase our belief that we can't remember. The more we believe we can't, the less and less we remember. For example, suppose you are walking along, doing some shopping, your thoughts all over the place as you consider your day, your problems, you current concerns. As those thoughts randomly pass through your mind, there is one that seems "off". It is a simple thought amidst your own that just doesn't fit. It says, "Are you sure?" or "Why?" or "Yes!". You pause for a nanosecond as it throws you off and brings you into present time briefly. Then you make the ultimate mistake: You invalidate that thought, push it away and justify it with another thought, "That is ridiculous" or "That won't happen" or even worse, you forget the thought as quickly as you noticed it, caught up in your shopping and distracted by life.
Have you ever stopped and listened to your own thoughts? I mean really listened? You would be surprised at how random and, yes, weird, they are, and how much you talk to yourself. We have complete conversations with ourselves all the time. Yep. We are nut jobs, aren't we? NO! We are talking to ourselves, yes, but those thoughts that are answering that seem to be us, they're not always us. Sometimes they are our guides, the divine, God, whatever you want to call it. Sometimes, we are talking to heaven. The sad thing is, 99% of the time we don't even know it.
One of the first lessons my guide taught me after meeting him was how to listen. Now I was at a place in my life where I was already paying attention to those conversations going on in my head. I recall having them from a very, very young age. I noticed them then and even gave them names. I was laughed at and ridiculed by my own family for my "imaginary friends", so I stopped talking about them and just pushed them away, into my subconscious. In my teen years, they returned and I felt "crazy" because the conversations became twisted and booby trapped. By my twenties they had returned but I meditated and all of a sudden those conversations got louder and I recognized that I was not always talking to myself. Someone else was there....but who? This question is what led me to my guides and that question continued to drive me to listen. I listened so well that I remembered huge amounts about myself. So, if you want to try and remember, use caution, because once you can hear those other voices, it opens a whole other can of worms.
Most people, however, struggle with listening to their own thoughts. Meditation is a great way to start practicing. Some believe that meditation is silencing your thoughts. That would be a big mistake. One has to let the thoughts run their course, acknowledge them and pay attention to them to truly be successful at meditation. The great thing about meditation is that you become more able to recognize what thoughts are yours and what thoughts are not yours. The hardest part is figuring out if those thoughts are divine or if they are part of the booby traps that plague the physical mind. This is when your intuition comes in. You have to be able to recognize truth by he way it feels. If you can't, then you run the chance of hitting some major roadblocks.
Here is an example: Yesterday, while driving along with my kids in a part of town I had been in thousands of times, I passed by a sign for an attorney's office. I glanced at it and thought, "I'm going to be there some day". I paused and my stomach flip flopped for a moment. I questioned my thought, "What?" And this time I heard, "You will need one". I then saw myself walking into that very office. It was a flash of memory (a remembering really), but it was there and I recognized it. I had a feeling hit me that I can only describe as recognition. It is similar to the feeling one gets when they are about to do something important, in this case, like starting a new graduate course. It was not a scared feeling, it was a nervous one with a feeling of "I know I can do this". In an instant I concluded that, yes, I would need an attorney one day, and likely visit this particular office. I remembered other times when I had seen the sign and realized I had pushed aside the voice in the past. For some reason, I didn't this time, and the message got through. I remembered a little part of my life and it was because I listened.
Later, after I got over the initial shock of recognizing this memory, I got scared. Why would I visit this office? What was going to happen? The worry of the thoughts blocked out the memory of the truth so I was left with unknowns. Me, knowing I could know when I needed to, calmed down and simply asked, "When?" I knew instantly that it would be four years. I calmed down. Then I saw myself walking into the office again. The feeling with it was not bad or good, it was like any other obligation needing to be fulfilled. I also knew it was for family. I also knew it was not anything to worry about. I had to stop wondering now or I would drive myself crazy. I had to trust that my feelings were truth. Besides, what fun would it be to know everything?
Now, when I have these memories, I write them down. They come true - always. I had another one recently which disturbed me. I was wondering if anyone in my family would die before my grandmother. I instantly knew someone would. It made my stomach drop (another sign of its validity) and I knew more than I wanted to know. It won't be for a while, but I am certain there is little I can do about it. It sucks to know sometimes. I, personally, have to be very careful when I ask myself questions.
So if you want to remember, take some time to listen to your own thoughts. It takes practice so don't expect instant results. It also takes belief. Belief in yourself. Belief in your own gut feelings. Belief that you are capable of remembering. If you are a skeptic, then those doubts will go viral. I definitely don't recommend trying this if you doubt. You have to be able to believe and hold onto that belief. Otherwise, you will fall victim to the booby traps. But hey, we are all victims of them at times, some more than others, and we are still surviving pretty good. So don't be down on yourself if you can't become adept at listening and remembering. You have many more lifetimes to get the hang of it.