
Yesterday I got a small reprieve thanks to my mother. I was able to go into town and do some things just for me. As I was driving, my mind cleared, which is often the case when I escape the confines of my home. There is a heavy energy that can hang around one's place of residence which lessens as one moves farther away from it. I notice this every.single.time I leave my own home.


The first idea that popped into my mind was that I needed to use the remainder of my maternity leave to finish my auditing. I left my last cycle hanging because I was just too pregnant and it was causing delays which was resulting, ultimately, in a waste of my time and energy. One has to be well fed, well rested and mentally ready for intense auditing and, well, being pregnant has a tendency to make one hungry, tired and absent minded. Not ideal.

So, I contacted my husband and gave him my idea. He was very excited because he has been trying to talk me into finishing auditing from the minute I gave birth. Then I contacted my auditor to see if she was available. I have not heard back from her yet but I have not wavered in my decision, which is a good sign.

***Oh, and I forgot to mention that I decided to stay on maternity leave rather than go back to work. I have had too many messages from my guides and the feeling that went along with the decision to go back to work early felt "off". I just couldn't ignore those signs.


A few days ago, Peter had a talk with me. It was not a long one, but the message that he gave me was that he and my other guides were waiting for my body to heal. He didn't say what they were waiting for, but he did say he would tell me more once my physical body was ready. Well, yesterday along with the idea to return to auditing, I also felt that I needed to start a detox to cleanse my body of the residual chemicals and toxins that were left behind from my surgery and post-surgery medications. I stopped by a vitamin store and picked up an 7 day herbal detox regime that I will be starting today. This detox helps clear out all systems of the body but the specific systems I am concerned with are the liver and the digestive tract.

This will actually be my first herbal detox. I have done one called the cabbage soup detox and enjoyed the results so I will be eating a diet similar to the cabbage soup diet along with taking the supplements.

I do not follow the cabbage soup diet exclusively because, well, it does not have much protein in it and I want to keep my daily protein at a good level. I also will allow myself to eat complex carbs such as sweet potatoes, oatmeal and brown rice, in addition to all the green veggies I can manage. I do not follow the meal plan listed in the link above. For example, this morning I had a bowl of oatmeal with a soy protein booster and two strawberries. I will have the soup for lunch and dinner. I hate peppers, so omit them from the recipe. I sometimes add 1/2 cup barley for added protein and nutrients. I will also be including my Green Goodness Smoothie in my detox once or twice a day, depending on how hungry I am.

This is the recipe for my Green Goodness Smoothie:

1/2 c unsweetened almond milk
10 small Swiss Chard Leaves without stems (or Kale, or any leafy green)
6-8 ice cubes
1-2 scoops Soy Protein Booster or any vanilla protein shake powder (I use Naturade)
2-3 packets of Stevia

Add almond milk and Swiss Chard to blender and blend until liquified. Add protein powder and Stevia until blended. Then add ice cubes and blend to your preferred consistency.

This recipe works great with any juice as well if you do not like almond milk. I have also added frozen fruit in place of the ice. Frozen strawberries work great. The shake looks light green and may not look too yummy but I assure you, it tastes good. My son loves to make it with me but won't drink it (the color) but my daughter loves to drink it as does my husband.

"You will Move"

I wanted to share with you the message I got last night as I was trying to go to sleep. Out of the blue, my guide told me, "You will move". I asked him if he meant change of physical location and he said, "Yes".

So I guess there is change coming. I did not reject his message, I just acknowledged it. This is unusual for me. Perhaps I am finally listening?

I heard, "Yes". :)


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