How I do it

When people ask me about my gift, "How do you do it? How do you know what you know?", my response is always, "I don' t know, I just do". And for the longest time, I didn't know much about how I did it. I had theories, but nothing really solid that made complete sense to me or felt right.

Today, while in session, I realized how I do it. It is not complicated or magical like some might think, which is kind of disappointing to me because I, like most people, like to feel special. It is really very simple and makes perfect sense if you think of people not as bodies but as spiritual beings.

As spiritual beings we prefer to communicate without words. We communicate by sending our memories as pictures. These pictures shoot forth very fast, like a movie reel. They have emotion and all the five senses with them. They have conversations and music -  everything. When we are in a body, we do the same thing, but since the human body is a biological being it needs to store and process memories using a biological filing system. That is where the mind comes into play. The mind lives in the biological brain and stores the experiences for use while in the body and acts to convert them in a way that makes them easier for us to process.

People carry with them all their experience pictures and all that goes with them. The pictures that are strongest are right out in front of them. The more energy/attention associated with them, the more pronounced they are.

When I meet people I can see these pictures. Sometimes they are strong, sometimes they are weak. I see the pictures/experiences that people are most concerned about first and then I can look behind those and find more and then look behind those and find even more, and so on and so forth.

I use to think that people sent these pictures/experiences to me but I am wrong. The pictures are with them and available to anyone who knows how to look for them or is aware they are there. In fact, most people ignore them altogether even though they will sense the pictures and the energy contained in them quite often. Those like me who are aware that these pictures/experiences are around everyone can tune into them and pick them out easily. We also can successfully keep others from seeing our pictures/experiences at will.

As spiritual beings we freely exchange our pictures/experiences and are use to carrying them with us. We are aware of them and use them to communicate. In a physical body we had to learn to communicate with a body and so we forgot about what came naturally to us and focused on communicating via the body. So the pictures we carry just surround us and become available, for the most part without us knowing it, to others. The good thing is that 99% of us don't know so people aren't going around stealing information from each other.

So that is it in a nutshell. Really very simple in my opinion, but if you are more confused than you were when you started reading this then just read the response I gave in the first paragraph and go with that. :)


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