Be happy with what you got
Last night I heard a female guide to my left. I even got a glimpse of blonde hair. I didn't pay much attention other than to notice she was there and to hear her comment. I was feeling very blessed last night and thinking, "I am very blessed" and she said, "You have a good life" and nodded. I agreed and went on to enjoy the evening think about how wonderful of a life I have. For me to be in such a calm state is odd considering how hectic this week and last week have been. I don't know if Mercury is in retrograde or if I am just going through a transition period, but I have been very moody and negative about my life lately. It has been causing me to reevaluate everything and think about what it is that I would like to do next. Problem is, I am not really sure and even if I were, most of the things would be difficult to near impossible with two young children running around. I realized that I have really gotten everything I want in life when I have asked f...