Binaural Beats Experiment

Since my dream last night involved hearing binaural beats which then led me to a lucid state, I decided to try one this afternoon. I must say the experience intrigued me.

I downloaded an MP3 of free binaural beats from a website and then put it on my ipod to listen to. I found a comfortable place, laid on my back and closed my eyes. At first I thought it just sounded weird but it was bearable. The sounds did not distract me but seemed to lull me into a bit of a zoned-out state. I think that is the point, though.

The sounds eventually lulled me into a semi-lucid dream. I say semi-lucid dream because I was aware that I was talking with someone and was following their story. A young man was telling me how, as a boy, he witnessed a murder and I can still see the picture vividly in my mind of this young, sandy-haired boy hiding near a doorway and watching as a strange man crept into his living space. I  also heard him as an older man, telling me the story. I did not finish seeing this memory as his story kept bringing me back to full awareness. I would hear and see the story in my mind for a while, "wake up", and then be pulled back into it. I remember thinking there might be something to the strange sounds of the binaural beats. I recall at one point I decided to open my eyes and instead of my physical eyes opening, my astral eyes opened. This final unexpected event brought me to full wakefulness.

Afterward, I became very curious about what I had just experienced. I then noticed a strange noise on my right. It sounded like someone was tapping on the window. I listened and it would come and go. I wondered, was this part of the binaural beats or was there something or someone tapping on my window? Or, was this the start of the strange sounds that often come prior to an astral projection? The latter seemed the most likely, especially since I had just found myself in a semi-lucid state and had caught myself opening my astral eyes.

Finally, after hearing the strange tapping noises for what seemed like an eternity, curiosity got the better of me and I took out one earphone and noticed the sounds stopped. So it must have been part of the sounds on the MP3. Or that is what I thought.

I put the earphone back in. The sounds came back and my body felt as if it were going numb. I knew I was too conscious and excited to do anything at that point. I had missed my exit point long ago. I decided to lay on my side for a while and see how comfortable the headphones would  be. The headphone I was laying on felt kinda uncomfortable but I knew that if I laid on my back that it would be harder for me to fall asleep. I astral best when on my side.

I was able to get into a position that was comfortable and laid there and listened a while. I was too awake and had become bored with the sounds. Plus, I heard a strange noise again coming from the window, but this one was different.

I took out the headphones and listened. The sound was still there. When I stood up I felt disoriented. I still heard the sound, a rhythmic clicking. I began to look for it. Where was it coming form?

I walked out of the room still feeling disoriented. What had the binaural beats done to me? I felt discombobulated!

I still could hear the strange noise in the other room and I followed it outside, thinking maybe a helicopter had flown over or was hovering over my house. There was nothing outside. I thought maybe my air conditioner was broken, but it was off and there was no noise. All I could find making noise was our septic tank aerator, but the noise it made was not the noise I heard.

The sound was all but gone now but I was feeling paranoid. I sat down to watch some television, hoping it would clear my mind and focus me on something else. However, I kept feeling tuned in to something and every little strange noise was very loud to me. All of a sudden my house seemed to be full of noises!

Now, a full hour after listening to 30 minutes of binaural beats, I must say that my experience was intriguing. I do believe it did something to me. It seemed to lull me into a sleep-like state very quickly, within 5-10 minutes of listening to it. In that time I believe I could have gone out of body had I not caught myself opening my astral eyes. I a bit mad at myself for being so curious and blocking myself.

As for the strange after-effects, I don't know what to think of them. Perhaps I just needed to ease myself out of the state I was in instead of tearing off the headphones in a frenzied attempt to figure out what the noises were I was hearing. I really hate the noises that come before astral and had thought the binaural beats would eliminate them. I didn't think it would increase them!

Also, I also think that the binaural beats affected my psychic and mediumship ability. I felt "tuned in" when I was talking to the man about his boyhood experiences. It felt as if I was being visited by Spirit and he was passing on his story to me. If, in fact, the binaural beats affected my spiritual abilities, that could be why I felt so strange afterward. In the past, when consciously attempting to astral, I have often heard voices or had dream-like conversations with unknown people. However, as soon as I recognized the conversations they would go away and I could never remember them. This time, not only did the conversation resume but I remember what was being said to me. I remember thinking as I was listening to this man's story that I might be hearing about an unsolved murder and that I might could help.

Now that I am remembering all this I am shrugging it off as a dream but the little bit of unknown that goes with it has me wondering. I think I will try listening to the binaural beats again tonight and see what happens.


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