Reiki and Healing

Carnelian Agate Stone

Good morning! I awoke feeling a bit on the depressed side again, but am working on making this a good day. Besides, in my dream I had a message that suggests I will be getting a phone call around 11:20am. In the dream, I heard the phone ringing but couldn't find it because I couldn't see. When I found it, it was my camera and I saw numbers on it that said 11:20a.m., sort of like a digital clock. Apparently I am concerned that I will "miss" an   opportunity because in the dream I missed the call and had to look to see if I got a message.

Today when I went through my morning computer routine, I noticed that some people were not so happy that I was posting Reiki symbols on the internet for all to see. I wanted to explain to those of you who may be concerned about symbols being broadcast on the internet that I do not believe that use of Reiki symbols by untrained individuals is going to wreak havoc in the world. In fact, the symbols are just that - symbols. They are powerful healing tools if you believe them to be powerful and they will not have the opposite effect if used improperly. In fact, if the person using them is not using them properly it really won't matter. What matters is the intent of the individual that is using the symbol. It is the intent that heals, not the symbol.

I also wanted to include my experience with Reiki and healing. I believe it will help you all to understand why I believe as I do.

I did not know I was capable of healing until my spiritual awakening allowed me to see in my mind individual auras. As I became more and more interested in what I was seeing, I was led to lay my hands on or above people whose auras did not seem quite right. I was also led to read books on healing and medical intuition. Through my experiments on myself and others, I learned about the aura, the chakras and medical intuition. I learned the extent of my gifts and I was led to explore Reiki.

Before I was led to explore Reiki, I already had discovered my own innate ability to heal others. I would merely have the intent to want to help a person and my hands would tingle and get hot and/or cold. It was such an odd sensation, and even to this day it is strange to me. My hands take on a life of their own and sometimes my entire body will pulsate with energy. I learned to ask my guides and the guides of the person who I was healing for assistance. Then these guides would lead me to heal certain areas of the body. I would get images in my head of the energy blockages and also see physical body systems, organs and illness/damage. I learned to differentiate between two aspects of the aura - the physical and the spiritual. The physical aspect of the aura gave details of a person's past, present and future physical body issues. I could tell by color and through intuitive knowingness what was wrong with a person. At first I would even hear diagnoses, but I later stopped sharing this with people because I am not a doctor and I would rather they have their physical issues examined by a knowledgeable medical practitioner than by myself.

When I discovered Reiki, I quickly learned that I did not need its symbols or doctrine to help me heal. In fact, the Reiki symbols, when I used them, create exactly the same energetic flow and sensations as I already had when I did healing. I learned the symbols, but never really needed to use them. I went ahead and got all my Reiki attunements and became a Usui Reiki Master Teacher.

I gained massive amounts of knowledge via my healing and medical intuition experiences and through my guides. I gained so much knowledge that I felt compelled to write a book about it. I have yet to publish it but it contains all that I learned and is designed as a teaching book to help others tune into and develop their healing abilities. 

The reason I posted the symbol that I did on my blog yesterday was simply to show that I had begun healing myself as instructed by not only guides but those around me. I had been ignoring my own personal healing because life had gotten in the way and I did not want to take the time to do it. I also had learned that my guides would give me the healing I needed if I asked. I had been asking for healing for months prior to yesterday but I guess it was not enough. I needed to attempt self-healing and take the time to do it. I soon learned that the aspect of healing that I was missing was the meditative part. When I self-heal, my mind goes blank and I receive messages, messages I had been missing and needed to hear.

Yesterday I used two Reiki symbols and a pendulum composed of carnelian, quartz crystal, and citrine crystal to focus the energy better. I intuitively knew to focus on my root chakra. As I positioned the pendulum over my chakras, drew the symbols on the palms of my hand three times and stated my intent for healing, I immediately saw the pendulum move counter-clockwise. I knew the root chakra was blocked, but it was helpful to see it. Then I felt a pulling sensation that I had not felt in a very, very long time. It pulled so much that it created the physical sensation of a slight cramp. I lay in bed focused on opening my root chakra for a long time. It was not opening and the pulling sensation continued and spread to my second chakra. I then realized that not only was my root chakra horribly blocked but so was my second and third chakras. My entire midsection was cramping slightly. It was uncomfortable but not painful. I stopped because my children needed my attention, but continued to work on my root chakra on and off for the rest of the day. After that first healing session I could feel the healing continue as I went about my day, especially in the third chakra. I could feel the pulling sensation of the chakra unblocked in the middle of my back. It was not painful but very obvious.

The pendulum seemed to have the best results, so I kept using it along with the Reiki symbols. I had been led to use Reiki for a reason so I did. However, I know had I not used the symbols that the intent would have been enough. The healing was so intense at one point that my body twitched and my left hand began to ache. I will be cleansing my pendulum today and using a different one, a rose quartz and clear quartz one, in my healing attempts. My goal is to open my lower three chakras as soon as I can.

So in a nutshell, I have learned that intent is the most important part of healing. Crystals are also an amazing aid in that they focus and intensify energy. I have found that quartz is the most powerful crystal. Some people believe that you need to use the crystal that goes with the particular chakra for the best results. I don't believe that at all. Carnelian, clear quartz and citrine just happened to be what I had on hand in my pendulum. This is a list of the stones that coincide with the chakras.

As you can see, there are multiple stones for each chakra. I had long forgotten which crystals went with which chakra. I laughed when I saw that carnelian is used for the second chakra and citrine for the third. Also, if you look farther down, below the list, it lists carnelian for the 1st -4th chakras and to help with physical energy, creativity and compassion. It lists citrine for balancing energy and aligning chakras with the ethereal plane, activating the second and third chakras, energizing the root chakra, and stimulating the crown chakra. Quartz crystal opens all chakras and aid in emotional healing of the heart chakra.  As I looked through the lists I realized that my urge to grab and use my pendulum was not just an accident. I believe my guides led me to use it for a reason and I am pleased that I listened. I am also very pleased with myself to creating such a powerful pendulum years ago. I don't recall choosing the stones on it for a purpose, but I must have. This pendulum is a very powerful tool. Too bad my kids broke off the tip of the carnelian point! Not that it made any difference.

Today I will again focus on my root chakra and as I open and balance that chakra, the two chakra above will also be affected. When I finish with the root chakra (if I finish) then I will go on to the second and then the third. From there, I will check the rest of my chakras. It may take me a while to clear, open and balance my root and second chakras, though. I have felt very unstable, emotionally drained and disinterested in life for a long time now. I anticipate my root and second chakras will be quite stubborn.


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