Fourth Dimensional Consciousness

When I awoke this morning I immediately was aware of a very, strong male presence to my left and somewhat to the front of me. I got the distinct impression that he was wearing a robe or some similar flowing article of clothing. I also got the impression that he was either carrying something or had a blob on his right side that covered the length of his body. I was comfortable with this male figure, talking with him as I awoke from some crazy strange and vivid dreams. I assume he is a guide.

Before I get to the conversation we had, I want to recount a long list of dreams I had. They are quite vivid and so I want to account as many details as I can before my memory fades. So you all know, this blog is not specifically a "dream blog" by any means, it just so happens that I am feeling drawn to share my dreams for not only myself but also others.

Dr.'s Office

I nearly forgot this dream but it came to me as I tried to make sense of my busy night and the presence of one of my guides as I awakened. In the dream I recall being in a waiting room at a doctor's office to pick up my grandmother. She had just come out of surgery and so I went with my mother to pick her up. She had surgery on her head and I recall hearing the doctor give my mom instructions on how to handle her. Strangely, the waiting room had some kind of food in it. I am struggling to remember what it was now, but I recall not liking it and trying to throw it away but having a nurse confront me about it. When the nurses brought out my grandmother the instructions were to keep her calm and let her lie flat. I recall that the dream shifted between a doctor's office for people to one for dogs and seeing a dog in my grandmother's place more than once. I believe it was my dog who passed last year - Trooper.

As we were transporting my grandmother I recall that her head fell off and was connected by this long, tendon-like pink cord. I remember being shocked and freaking out a bit but no one else reacted, they just put her head back on. It was really kind of gruesome as my grandmother was talking and conscious the whole time her head was disconnected and she didn't seem to notice that her head wasn't on her body.

At this point, we had traveled into the city. The city reminded me of an old, ancient city such as one in Europe, similar to London or Paris. The buildings were tall and very close together and everything was quite gray. My mom took my grandmother to meet up with her sisters. My grandmother was much better but I could still see a very obvious bandage on her head. Somehow the conversation got into running a marathon. Apparently my grandmother's sisters ran marathons and I recall thinking it was absurd. They asked me if I would like to run and I agreed but I only had on my house shoes. The ladies took off and left me behind. I remember trying to keep up with them and going through a maze of city buildings and apartments. At one point I came upon someone's back yard and there was a tall, three-stories barn-like wooden structure with dogs on all levels. There was also dogs in the yard. A woman came out to guide me through the yard as the dogs might attack. When I got through to the other side I had made it to the end of the run by taking a short cut. I finished before my grandmother's sister who arrived later, surprised to see me there. I remember saying, "This was not even close to marathon" and remember it was like 28 minutes rather than 26.2miles.

Doctor's office - could indicate the need for spiritual and emotional healing or could indicate the need to go to a doctor. 
Dog - represents loyalty, intuition, protection and fidelity.
Running alone - determination towards meeting one's goals.
Something old - the need to replace something old in your life; could also mean there is a need to incorperate something from the past into the present.

Motorcycle Ride

This part of the dream is very odd to me. I recall leaving the old ladies behind and getting in a car that quickly morphed into a motorcycle. At first, the car had me, my mother, my grandmother and my younger sister in it. For some reason my mom couldn't drive and my grandmother was not able to either. So my sister got behind the wheel but I remember that she was struggling to drive so I pushed her into the back seat and took over. I recall a struggle ensued and having difficulty seeing as I drove through the narrow city streets. The dream consisted mostly of me driving along, stopping at stop lights, struggling to see and moving very fast.

Motorcycle - the desire or need for freedom; desire to escape something.

Old House

I ended up at a large, old two story house. I recall that it was open to the public, as if it was a museum. Inside, there were stairs and lots of rooms. I don't remember much about this part except looking at a living area and the old, nasty chairs and sofas in the room. I didn't want to sit in them, but chose to anyway when I saw what appeared to be a screen with pictures on it and music (it was unfamiliar to me the kind of device this was - seemed similar to what I have seen in astral). There was a young girl there and a song was playing. I sat in an old arm chair and sang the song (also unfamiliar to me). The song turned off and the girl looked to find the song and it resumed playing, this time words appeared on a screen and there was a book with moving pages. Again, this seemed more like a memory of some spiritual reality than anything.

Old house - house represents one's soul; past beliefs and attitudes may be coming up in present situation and one may need to update one's way of thinking.

Wooden Machine, Old Cathedral and Carved Eggs

 At some point I woke up because of my son's crying and so when I went back to sleep the dreams were different. I was with a man and he had this odd, wooden machine. I don't remember what it did but I recall that I was working on it, carving the back of it which looked somewhat like a piece of furniture. My job was to fix it. I remember vaguely a stream and rolling the machine around, but the rest of the dream is lost to me now.

Then I ended up in a large, cathedral, walking amidst the rooms and looking at intricate carvings that we in the wood panels and furniture of the cathedral. I felt out of place as I walked through inspecting the wood, as church services were about to begin. There were two distinct rooms having service and I remember going into both of them and not feeling comfortable there.

At some point I had gathered four wooden eggs. Two looked like normal, chicken eggs; smooth, tan in color and very oblong. The other two were different. One was completely black and shiny smooth. The other was wooden in texture and color with various shades of brown. There was very obviously a world map carved into the shell. I carried the eggs with me very careful not to drop them. I had them with me when I went into the rooms where they were having service. I recall many people questioning me about them. I told them I found the eggs in the church. They always were curious about the black egg. I was very careful with the eggs the whole time and carried them close to me.

At some point I was with a man and still had the eggs, specifically the black egg and the carved egg. He asked me to put them in the microwave to see if they were hollow. I put them in and heard a sound like a hiss coming from them and, scared they would explode, quickly got them out of the microwave. The man said, "They have holes in them" and showed me the holes at the end of the shell, pointing out they were hollow. We inspected the egg with the map the most and he showed me holes at both ends and had me shake it so that I could feel the other "thing" that was inside. We talked about the eggs for a long time. I felt like I was a student and he was a teacher. The image of the map egg is very vivid in my mind. It was very beautifully carved with different depths and colors and I could see the map of the Earth in detail. Africa was very obvious as was Europe. It reminded me of the old, brownish colored maps you see in history books.

Eggs - fertility, growth, creative potential.
Carving wood - creative potential, molding or shaping one's life. 
Cathetral/Church - seeking spiritual enlightenment; evaluation of one's life.


 This part is not a dream. I woke up within and from the egg dream talking to the man from the dream. It was in my mind, not audible but more like thoughts. As I became more and more aware I was shaken by something we were talking about concerning the eggs (the dream was semi-lucid and I slowly regained conscious awareness as the conversation continued).

I didn't open my eyes but thought immediately about the visions I got back in 2003 when I first awakened to my spiritual gifts. The one that popped into my head was of a map of the United States. The map was distorted, the normal borders of the U.S. covered by water, specifically the coastlines and especially the Mississippi River valley extending all the way North to the Great Lakes. I felt a very strong feeling from my guide that what he was telling me was important. I didn't get a dread feeling like I would normally get. Instead, I was calm and listened.

I saw again the map and also saw the list in my head from yesterday's dreams and previous visions I have had. Again, I could not make out the names on the list and it flashed only briefly in my mind. I heard, "Stay put". I recognized this advice to mean to not leave the area I lived in. I also recognized that I would be safe if I stayed. Similarly, when I first saw the map in 2003, I knew if I stayed in Texas that I would be safe. I again recognized the list to be connected to names of people who would die from catastrophic events. This was confirmed by my guide by the feeling that was present. It was a feeling of confirmation and caution. I knew I was being again told to wait, stay put and lie low.

I had the thought that I did not like knowing things were coming. My guide asked, "Why" but I couldn't put a finger on it. I finally answered that it didn't make sense to me that people would choose to die, good people would choose to die. Finally, it didn't make sense to me why I wouldn't die. I also felt that there would be a lot of confusion, especially for the younger generation. And a lot of anger. I then saw in my mind my heart chakra burning bright green and felt this was not just a visual of me, but that it represented everyone on Earth. The fourth chakra had to do with a shift in consciousness linked to the fourth chakra (I am getting psychic chills as I type this). Some people will not be able to tolerate this shift. Others are already there, waiting for the rest of the world to catch up. This shift will force many into a darkness because they cannot confront themselves or handle the feeling inside them that well up seemingly uncontrollably.

4th Dimensional Consciousness

I just remembered Steven telling me a long time ago when I wrote my book about medical intuition and the aura. He told me that there is a shift to fourth dimensional consciousness occurring. I didn't understand it. He is telling me now that it is linked to the fourth chakra. This is the mid-point in the human aura. It is the bridge connecting the lower and higher energies of our being.

I was led to search the internet for "fourth dimensional consciousness". Many, many results came up. It took me a while to pinpoint the right explanation for fourth dimensional consciousness. Steven told me to be careful and not be confused by all the different explanations out there. The states of consciousness he is referring to is directly linked to the chakras.

When I found this site, The 7 States of Consciousness, my heart stopped for a moment and I took a huge, deep breath as I read its content.I knew this was the explanation I needed to find. I had to take a break from typing this blog because I became overwhelmed with emotion. I knew many would struggle with this transition; many ARE struggling with this transition. The internal struggle will be, is, the source of the strange energy right now. This energy will build and I am being warned of it.

Apparently most people are in the 3rd state now - Waking Sleep. The name of the 3rd state is very real to me. I am very obviously in the midst of the transition Steven is speaking about. Resistance to the transition, and most people (including me) will resist, wreaks havoc in life and amidst this people are left wondering, "What is wrong with me?" and are caught up in illusion.


As I continued speaking with my guide, I saw an umbrella go up and rain came down onto it in torrents. I knew this indicated more physical flooding but also indicated emotional turbulence. Then I saw the Earth shaking and knew this indicated earth quakes. I then got the message, "Strange things will happen at your work" followed by "Strange things will happen in the world".

I asked, "What do you mean by strange" and he said, "Unreal". I then remembered how I felt when, on April 17th, a fertilizer factory exploded in West, Texas. I was in shock and thinking, "This can't be happening". It felt unreal, especially since, only two days before, the Boston Marathon had been bombed.

I got up out of bed feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything. Oddly, I was sort of dizzy and had difficulty walking to the bathroom. When I went down stairs to make breakfast, I again felt dizzy-like. It was not a feeling in my head, though, but in my body, as if I just could not find my balance. As I was typing this blog, I felt it again.

Overall, the message I got was to stay put and wait. That change is about to occur and that I need to be where I am at this time in my life for a reason. This shift to 4th dimensional consciousness is occurring and will be increasing. I am not certain how it will effect me. I don't feel I will fail in the transition, but perhaps many others will struggle and need my help? I feel I started this transition some time ago and many have not even begun. I especially feel the youth are sensitive and struggling.


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