Rainy Weather and Clothesline Forcefields

It has been raining here for three days now and rain is forecast for every day this week. In July. In Texas. Very abnormal. The first day the high temperature only got to 70 degrees. Again, very abnormal especially when last year we had 100 degree weather for so many days I lost count. And the strangest thing is that the weather system that brought and is still bringing all this rain and cooler weather came from the East. The winds in the U.S.typically flow from West to East, not the other way around. Very odd.

I was told by my guides prior to my trip to New Mexico to expect flooding. I was also warned that other natural disasters would be coming, specifically earth quakes. A couple of days ago India was hit with massive flooding. Today China was in the news for flooding. Weird. And the rain continues here in Texas.

I can only hope that all this flooding is just coincidence. I can only hope that a devastating earthquake is not next on the list of natural disasters.

Sleep Issues

I have had sleep issues on and off since my early twenties. I blame it on the antidepressants that I took for two years. I slept wonderfully when I took them, but when I stopped taking them I became a very light sleeper. My sleep has only become lighter as the years pass. Motherhood, marriage and life stress did not help, either.

All summer, in order to get a good night's sleep, I have been taking a menagerie of herbal, natural and over-the-counter sleep remedies. Some of the herbal remedies that I found worked best for me are Sleep Release, 5-HTP and Eden PM. However, lately, those remedies alone have not been enough so I have also been taking Benadryl. Sometimes I take 25mg and other times 50mg. In addition to all this, I also drink a nightly herbal tea for sleep.

Though all these sleep remedies help for the most part, sometimes they don't do anything. It is weird. I really don't like taking Benadryl every night but I find that it helps me go back to sleep once I wake up better than any of the other remedies. All of them seem to help me get to sleep, though Benadryl helps the best with that as well.

The thing is, I sleep so deep with Benadryl that I often wake up groggy and out of sorts. I don't like feeling like that when I wake up. It is as if I could sleep away the whole morning, and I often am very tempted to do so. I also think that taking Benadryl, especially 50mg, is one of the reasons I have not been astral traveling like I want to.


Last night I decided not to take any Benadryl. I only took Sleep Release because it helps me get to sleep. I also drank my nightly tea and added the Eden PM powder to it which is all part of my nightly routine.

I was able to fall asleep quite easily. I am not surprised being the night before I did not get much sleep. I recall that my husband came and woke me up momentarily at around midnight. I actually looked up at the clock for a brief moment and then fell quickly back to sleep.


The next thing I remember is having a very strange dream about wandering through a house. It was dark and I felt uncomfortable. I also remember feeling like I needed to get out and away from the house. In the dream I slowly became more and more lucid. At one point I decided I needed to go outside. This is when I became fully lucid.

When I got outside it was dark. I could see the moon and silhouettes of trees. I also could see a clothesline faintly outlined by the moonlight. The moon was full and I was still feeling like I needed to get away from that place.

Fully aware that I was dreaming, I decided I did not like this dream and that I wanted to fly. This is often how I take control of my dream and is typical of my lucid-to-astral travel experiences.

When I tried to fly, a clothesline came down onto me, snapping me down to the ground like a rubber band. Though it was only millimeters in width, it came down with such force that it was like a force field holding me down. I was irritated by this and moved forward, trying again to fly. Again, a clothesline came down over the top of me, I could see the white outline of it in the moonlight.

I tried to fly again several more times. Each time a clothesline came down over me like a force field. I would make it up five to ten feet and, like a rubber band, it would snap me back down to the ground. I recall looking around me and see clotheslines all around me. There were so many spread over my head that it almost resembled a spider's web, though that did not occur to me at the time (thank goodness).

The feeling I had at this time was of frustration. I also felt very down/depressed in general. I wanted to raise my vibration by flying but was not successful, which only intensified my depressed feeling. I recall feeling very numb and hopeless as well. With these emotions my vision blacked out. It blacked out completely in my left eye and then the right eye followed but felt different. The left eye felt like it was covered by something, the right eye didn't. In hindsight I am not surprised I lost my vision. I was very conscious and emotionally upset. My vision is the first sense to go when I get overly emotional.

Yet I didn't give up. Even though I could not see much more than blackness, I could mentally make out what was around me - the trees, the house behind me, and the space between them. I decided that since I could not fly that I would try jumping instead. In the past, when I was unable to fly, jumping always worked.

So with a thought I jumped. And I succeeded. The very moment I succeeded, I woke up.

I found myself laying on my stomach with my head pressed into the bed. My left eye was covered up and I was having trouble breathing. No wonder I was feeling "off" and my left eye was feeling covered! I looked at the clock. It was 2am.

The rest of the night I slept fitfully. I think I woke up a total of six times through the night. I would have a dream, wake up and then struggle to go back to sleep. I would always eventually fall back to sleep, though. Each time I had some very odd dreams. I don't remember them all now, just bit and pieces. I finally just got out of bed at 6am after my last awakening.

Why Can't I Sleep? 

I am so tired of not being able to get a good night's sleep. Why can't I just be normal and fall right to sleep like my husband does every night? The minute his head hits the pillow he goes to sleep. It isn't fair! Oh how I envy him his peaceful sleep and sometimes I curse him, especially when I can't sleep and there he is, sleeping like an angel.

I asked Steven about it and he said, "It's only a problem if you think it is". Yeah, um great.

He also tried to show me why I have sleep problems. I couldn't quite understand it but I saw what looked like a stream of energy, of consciousness. It was this line of yellow mixed with subtle shades of other colors which represented energy waves. These waves were streaming across a graph or grid, similar to a frequency chart. Below the yellow line was a baseline, what I would assume is "average" consciousness. The yellow energy I believe represented my conscious awareness. It was above the baseline and fairly consistent with small rises in consciousness throughout. Then I was shown another chart, one that I think represented an "average" person. The chart looked quite different. The periods of awake were similar to mine, though at the baseline and not above. However, there was a clear difference. Half of the chart dipped quite low below the baseline. I assume this occurs during sleep.

Am I not making the normal transition into sleep like others?

Steven says only, "No. You are aware".

Then I get shown images of a brain. They don't make sense to me. I also just know that my sleep cycle is this way for a reason - it is suppose to be the way it is. Apparently the frequent wakings are helping me. That is not what it feels like, though!

But, since my experiment proved that Benadryl did in fact have an impact on my ability to astral travel, I plan on not using it again tonight and hopefully as long as possible. I am hoping my OBEs increase as a result.


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