Lucid Dream Within a Dream

I was a bit shocked this morning when I awakened from a dream only to find myself in another dream. When I finally really woke up I was a bit disoriented and still talking with one of my guides. In my mind (as I seemed split between the dream state and the conscious state) my guide was sitting on the edge of the side of a building that was an adobe orange in color with his legs dangling over the side. He invited me to sit down next to him, which I did. I remember feeling my legs dangling over the side and looking out on a magnificent mountain landscape, similar to what I saw when I visited New Mexico. I remebember saying to him in awe, "I'm not afraid!". (I experienced a great fear of falling over the side of the cliff when in NM). Then, as if to answer me, I recalled the night's activities all at once and was a bit overwhelmed as I tried to piece together the confusion of a lucid dream experience superimposed within a less lucid dream experience.It is as follows:

The first thing I remember of the dream sequence was once again being awakened by my husband's restless sleep. He awakened me multiple times through the night and I slept fitfully because of it. This time, however, I rolled over and asked my guides to help me astral.

It was at this point that I shifted into a semi-lucid dream state. I recall having the thought that I should listen to some binaural beats that had been posted in an AP group I am a member of on Facebook. As soon as I had the thought, I remember hearing the beats and in this dream state it was as if I had turned on the music to attempt to lucid dream.

Not long after I began hearing the beats I recall flying with someone to a new place. In front of me was this tall, rock wall. It shot up like the side of a mountain. I flew by it and landed on an adobe colored platform that attached to this wall. I knew then that the wall was the wall of a dwelling. As I settled upon the platform, I noticed that there was an orange hue to the scene. The wall was composed of brown, light tan and orange colored bricks. The platform was orange in color as well. The person with me (can't remember if it was male or female right now) seemed to indicate to me that I needed to "create" the scene. I remember happily doing this and flying up and out above a mountainous landscape. It was as if I recreated the mountains of New Mexico. I could feel the mountain air and see mountains for miles. They took on a bluish hue as I gazed at the mountains that were miles from my location.

Below me I could see a winding river. It was calm, but moving swiftly. I noticed the waters were dark. I followed it closely and noticed that it wound around, its waters rapidly snaking towards the base of the dwelling I had come down from. I could see the dense, green undergrowth around its banks and saw the water foaming as it moved faster and faster.

At this time I recall talking to a man and discussing decisions. We were still flying. During this time, the scene below me seemed to change as we spoke, as if he were assisting me to create the scene. In my mind, a dream played out and it was as if I were in two places at once: flying above the mountains and winding river and standing on the banks of the river talking to people, people who later turned into my family members. I don't recall seeing a screen in front of me of what was going on in my mind but it was as if I had focused on this new scene and was both in it and an observer of it.

In this new scene, I was talking with my mother and telling her of this amazing dream I had. I was describing to her the rock wall and she stopped me and said, "I dreamed of a rock wall, too!" She then described the reddish brick colored wall I had seen in detail. I was excited and told her I saw it, too. Then she described how the wall was part of a vast castle and how she had met with grandaddy there (her father) and this castle was his creation. I remember stopping her and telling her, "I didn't see that part. I saw the wall but I went exploring".

Then I told her what I did. How I went down to the river below and watched the rapidly moving water. I told her how I traveled on the water and the river split in two. My mom said, "You mean it came to a Y?" and I said, "Yes, it was like a fork or a Y in the river".

Then it seemed as if I was back in that scene again, as my conversation with my mom became less in the forefront and I found myself traveling the rapids of the river. I was flying over it mostly, but sometimes I found myself on a log in the middle of the river. The log was more like a huge fallen tree, very stable and like a canoe. I remember seeing the Y in the river and taking the left fork. In the river there were orange colored buoys. They seemed to indicate that I should take the left fork.

At that point I was out of the water and standing on the banks of the river with my mom. We watched as the river went past us. I recall saying to my mom that she was in my dream and we were both surprised that we had dreamed the same dream. We spent a long time talking about the dream. I was very excited to tell her my dream and I was filled with awe and joy. This part of the dream is still with me and very vivid. I can still see the river and the trees above it. I saw an orange water bottle in the trees and pointed it out. It slipped out of the high branches and fell into a lower branch. I remember staring at it a while and my mom stated that someone must have thrown it there.

I vaguely recall seeing my older sister here. I believe my mother and I discussed her and her situation briefly but I can't remember what we talked about. I just recall seeing her in my mind briefly. I believe my husband woke me up again at this point which is why this part of the dream/experience gets hazy.

At this point I became quite lucid, though not enough to take control and go into astral. Again I found myself standing on the banks of the rapidly flowing river. The river was was foaming and surging in front of me, but it was not scary to me. My mom was no longer with me.

 I glanced across the river to the opposite bank and saw a man standing there. I was curious and with a thought, I instantly found myself standing in front of him. He was wearing full body armor. The silver color of it glistened in the sunlight.

I could not see his face and asked him to lift the helmet off his head. When he did, I saw the face of a young man, perhaps 30 years old, with medium brown hair that was cut neatly. He had brown eyes and was very plain looking to me - not not attractive but not my "type" (lol). I bluntly asked him, "What are you doing here?"

He replied matter-of-factly, "You called me".

I leaned towards him, as if knowing why he was there, yet in my mind I don't recall having any idea what I was doing or why he was there. I kissed him on his lips and put my hands on his shoulders. He kissed back. I don't remember the kiss being anything spectacular. In fact, I don't even remember the feeling the pressure of his lips on mine. I just remember feeling my root chakra activate and the energy build, as if the kiss awakened something in my physical body. It was very purposeful, this action.

Suddenly I could feel my body orgasm and I was pulled quickly out of the dream. 

At this point I became very lucid and woke up in my bed. I was pleased that my body had responded appropriately. It felt like I had won a small victory. For so many months I had been avoiding any type of pleasure in my dreams, lucid dreams and astral travels. To make it clear, though, this was not a normal orgasmic sensation. It was more like a movement in my body. It is hard to explain. There was no intense pleasure, there was just a freedom or a release of energy. I knew that my root chakra had been opened and a huge amount of energy released. I was grateful for the help.

In my mind I could still see this man standing on the banks of the river. I could also hear him, though only as a thought in my mind. It was as if I was in two places - lying in my bed and also standing on the banks of the river with this man. I sent out a prayer to God in response to recognizing the symbolism of the raging river in my dreams. I did not want to be overwhelmed with emotion in life. I didn't want to be afraid and uncertain of the path ahead.

I prayed, "Dear God" then stopped and replaced "God" with the name "John". A bit confused at where this name came from, I went back to the prayers, "Dear God, please help me". I stopped, still thinking of the name. Was that the name of this man?

As if in response to my curiosity, he said to me, "It will be a bumpy ride".

I quickly fell back to sleep and entered a semi-lucid dream. In it, I was back at the brick wall and on the orange platform. I was with a group of people and we were on a large party boat (one of those flat bottomed boats with open sides and a canopy on top). We were being led down a boat ramp that came off the side of the platform. A dog ran out in front of us barking and I watched him as he jumped into the water in front of us. I noticed the water was calm and dark and spread out for miles suggesting it was a vast lake. The boat slid down into the water.

I woke up.

When I got out of bed, I went over to look out the window. On the window sill was my rose quartz, amethyst quartz and clear quartz crystal. I did a double take and wondered briefly if I was still dreaming. The day before, when I was preparing to do self-healing, I went to the window to get my crystals. I had put them there to be cleansed by the sunlight and the moonlight. However, the crystals were not there. Yet here they were, clear as day, in the exact spot I had put them. Was I dreaming the day before? Or had I just not seen them? I was perplexed.


As I consider this strange dream experience I had last night, I wonder what it means. What does "It will be a bumpy ride" mean? Does it mean that I will be an emotional basket-case? Or does it mean there will be a lot of family drama since my family was in the dream, specifically my Mom and my sister?

Raging rivers in dreams symbolize the feeling of one's life being out of control and emotionally unsettled. Yet a river can also symbolize peace, prosperity and joyful pleasures. Considering I was not afraid of the river, more fascinated with it and watching it from a distance with interest, I wonder if perhaps this river is just a reflection of the uncertainty I feel at present and the hope I have that my future will play out in a positive way?

I have to go with how the dream felt overall. I was curious, interested and calm. Seeing the river did not bother me at all. I felt as if I were being cleansed, as if this mountainous place was a place of healing. The orange color represented my second chakra. Yesterday, when doing self-healing, my second chakra was wide open. So much so that the entire lower half of my body was a dark orange, similar to the color of the carnelian stone I was using. Interestingly enough, I was instructed to "create" in the dream. This also goes with the second chakra. Additionally, the man in armor came to help me open my root chakra.

I would also like to add that before bed I had asked for healing.


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