
Showing posts from August, 2011

It's a small world

I woke up this morning feeling odd. I recognized the feeling. It is the feeling that says, "Pay attention!" This time it was not really strong, just slightly there, but I felt it. When I focused upon it a bit more I could not tell if it was good or bad. Steven said, "It will be okay" like he normally does and I soon lost interest in the feeling. It wasn't strong enough to really warrant an all-out panic. The day went smooth without much incident. For me, working in a juvenile detention facility all day, this is something to celebrate. Each day without incident is one to smile about! When I got home I decided to check my email because my house was way too hot for me to start my normal exercise routine of step aerobics and weights.  I turned down the A/C and checked my email. Usually I get nothing but Facebook updates and other spam, but today I got two emails. One was asking for a mediumship reading and the other was asking for help on their spiritual awakeni...


Lately I have been really distressed about the state of the world. This happens to me sometimes and comes in phases. I will see the news or run into a particularly bad student at work and it sets me into a tailspin. I think, "This world is going to hell in a hand basket" or "What is the point?" Steven always says, "There is good in the world, too" and I almost always get the feeling that it was planned this way, that for some reason we, as spiritual beings, planned it this way. Yesterday I was reflecting upon my work. I work with students grades 6-12 and ages varying from 11yrs to 17yrs. They only come to me and the building I work in because they have been kicked out of school for one things or another. Sometimes they break the law, other times they have just gotten in trouble too many times. I have students who have never experienced childhood. Their parents either were not there or were too busy to tend to them. Some of my students have children of th...

The Trickster

I started back to work this week and my sleep issues disappeared as suddenly as they appeared. I am sleeping wonderfully. I am also having very vivid dreams. All week I have had these vivid dreams. They have a common theme: change and handling change. Last night's dream had a lot of water in it. Whenever I have dreams with a lot of water in them I know emotion is involved. In my dream last night there was a large pond in my back yard. I remember that the water was receding and then it would surge forward and then recede again. I watched it and even threw a baby toy into it and watched it disappear under the surface. Then the water receded again and I went out to retrieve the toy only to be overcome by the water which forced me to retreat. Strangely enough I was walking on this wooden grid rather than the bottom of a pond and I remember commenting that it was my "bed". It felt at times that I was becoming lucid in the dream because I would go from a dream-like state i...

Sleep problems

I hate it when I can't sleep. For at least a week now my sleep cycle has been erratic. The pattern I am seeing right now is that I lay down to sleep because I feel tired. I then feel relaxed but something wakes me up just as I feel like I am drifting off to sleep. Sometimes I see pictures in my mind and it startles me awake. Other times I get interrupted by my kids or my husband (this is infrequent) and still other times I just lay there on the edge of sleep having discussions with myself or maybe with spirit, but I can never remember. Eventually I give up and walk down stairs or go to the bathroom. Sometimes I take an herbal remedy like Valerian root or Magnesium. Lately I have even tried wine, but it does nothing to help me sleep. Usually, after hours of sleeplessness, I get angry and throw something like a pillow and that inevitably leads to me falling into my pillow in tears and frustration. After I cry or get angry I tend to fall asleep quite quickly. It is almost like I nee...

Some days I feel normal

Like today. I feel very grounded and calm. The day started out like that and has continued that way. In fact, even last night as I was preparing for bed, the usual chatter in my mind was gone. The last week has been a whirlwind of sleepless nights, past life memories, between life memories, increased spiritual contact and experiences and an increase in guides. It was as if some energy on earth shifted and sent me reeling. Then, suddenly, it all stopped. The day I really noticed a change was on my birthday. That morning, as I was preparing to leave for my auditing session, I heard Steven say, "You made it". I figured he was talking about my birthday and I thought back to him, "Yeah, I guess that is a big deal, isn't it?" Then he nodded and said, "Well done". At that moment, I noticed the energy to my left, the group of spirits who I assume are also guide. They applauded. I was a bit shocked and then thought, "I guess it was not for sure that I ...

Memory of Between Lives

I keep being amazed by the things I am remembering. Today I remembered the moments before I entered into this body. I had always remembered seeing Earth and feeling drawn to come down into a body, but I could not remember anything more. Well, I did today. I remembered walking along a path with a woman who I instantly recognized as "Mom" but not from this life but maybe another one but I cannot place the life at this time. She had shoulder length brown hair that was very smooth and pulled back from around her face. She was smiling and very happy. Can still see her clearly. She was excited and encouraging. The place where we were was very bright and looked like Earth with green grass, trees and blue sky. I could see benches along the path that were bright white and the walkway we were walking on was lined with a similar white stone edging. The woman walked with me to a domed shaped building. It was not very large and seemed almost out of place as it was just sitting at th...

An Amazing Experience

I had trouble sleeping last night. Usually I have three to four guides around me at all times. They don’t bother me or distract me in any way; I just know they are there. Well, this time I noticed I had twelve. In my past experience, whenever I noticed twelve guides around me something very good and life changing happened. For example, on the day I met my husband there were twelve and they hung around for a couple of months after that. It was one of the happiest periods of my life. It also happened when I got pregnant with my daughter and my son.   So when I noticed there were so many around me it peaked my interest. I wondered what was going on. With that thought I knew something was going to happen at 3am. This upset me because I took it that I would not go to sleep until then and I knew I had to get sleep. So, I took vitamin B1 to help my mind slow down and tried to relax. This was around midnight. I ended up very relaxed and near sleep. Suddenly I felt my whole body vibratin...