I'm Not in Kansas Anymore

As I was contemplating what to call this post, the familiar quote from The Wizard of Oz popped into my head. It seemed fitting considering what I am about to write.

Nothing really spectacular has happened, not like in the movie anyway. Yet, there has been some kind of shift. I am not sure if others who are spiritually oriented feel it or if it is just in my own universe.

It began yesterday. I just felt....different. I was calmer than usual, which could be partly to blame for me noticing the change to begin with. I also felt more centered, though I had not meditated or done anything in particular to cause that.

Perhaps the change was sparked by my thinking? When I woke up I was fed up with being disappointed about not finding work as a counselor. I was fed up with feeling like I was somehow to blame for not getting jobs; that there was something wrong with me. I was fed up with being down in the dumps and mopey. So, just an hour after waking up, I decided to change the way my day went - do something out of the ordinary. And it helped. I didn't feel down. I felt O.K.which is at least a step up from feeling down.

The day went well and I remained calm despite challenges. I even delivered to myself an important message which I wrote about in my blog yesterday. At the end of the day, I began getting precognitive flashes of things before they happened. Two occurred within an hour of each other and both happened as I saw them.

What is this? I thought to myself. I wonder...

Today went very similarly. I did something out of the norm and it helped. And when I was alone with my thoughts, I had more flashes of things to come. One in particular was really obvious. I was laying down, feeling bored and kind of zoning out. I was trying to control my thoughts and not think negatively about the future. I was thinking of my day thus far. I had gotten two letters in the mail. The first was a rejection letter for my most recent job interview. The second was a welcome back letter from my employer. Ugh. Double-whammy of bad news! And I knew it was coming. I had a precognition the moment I woke up this morning and so had been waiting for it to materialize, which it did. As I was thinking, or rather trying to "not think", I had a thought that I should go shopping and prepare for the new year with gusto; that I should use the surplus of money we have to reward myself. I "looked" at the thought and instantly recognized that it was unusual. It seemed like it was mine. It did not seem to come from a guide, that is. Or did it? I was skeptical.

Suddenly a picture appeared in my mind. I saw my back yard overrun with goats. In an instant I knew that I needed to secure the gate. That the goats were there. Right. Now. Too lazy to get up and knowing it was not a major issue, I called out to my daughter to check and see if there were goats out on our land. My daughter checked and yelled, "They're here Mommy! There are goats!" I got up to see for myself. The herd of goats had just arrived and were right by our gate. The vision in my mind almost exactly duplicated except no goats had gotten in. I stayed and watched. None ever got in. But I wondered about the vision. What was the point of it? Was it sent to me to prove a point? Or was it just that my mind was clear enough that my natural intuitive ability was noticeable? Or was it both?

Background: We have 5 acres and my cousin's goats were recently allowed back in to eat down the grass. Her horse comes too and has been known to open our gate somehow and let all of the goats loose on our property. 

All these odd precognitive glimpses of seemingly mundane things that then happen instances after the initial vision, the strange "suggestive" thoughts popping into my mind and the strange different feeling I am having must be linked.
Since I was getting such clarity, I figured I would see if I could get an answer to my question: What is going on? I got a strong visual of a screw going into its hole. Not to mean that I am being screwed (which may be the case lol) but rather that a union has been successfully made. That union being the merging my guide warned me about months ago. The screw wasn't all the way in yet but it was about halfway in. Could it be that this merging affects my intuition and thinking? Could it affect the transition of information from my higher self to me, making it smoother, more seamless?

So far, this seamless transaction of communication has been curious. I have thoughts that are so slight that I almost miss them except for the fact that they seem to come from another side of my mind (if that makes sense). They feel to originate elsewhere. Had I not learned years ago the difference between my own thoughts and those of "others" I would have been completely unaware that they weren't mine.

And then the title of this post came to me similarly. It makes me wonder what I will find when I close my eyes tonight.


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