Trip to Lumeria
Before I get into the amazing astral trip I took this morning, I want to go back to late yesterday morning to give some background on how I think I got to the point of going astral.
I was overcome with emotion out of the blue and fed up with the worry over having to return to a job that was so miserable last time I was there. I finally asked my guides for help. "I need help with this. Please help me understand why this is happening? What can I do to make it through this?" The emotional outcry only lasted a moment. Once I asked for help, the emotion subsided.
Minutes later, while taking a shower, I got the idea to go back and get some auditing. I hadn't had it for a few years. I was due for some sessions. I began to second guess myself on this, though, and felt I needed to make the call to get the ball rolling before I changed my mind. So, as soon as I got out of the shower, I made the call. I felt loads better afterwards. I realized my question - What can I do to make it through this? - had been answered. When I asked why this would help, I recognized that auditing makes the ego more manageable. Good!
I felt good the rest of the day and got a lot done. At one point, I ran across a book on astral projection that someone posted in a Facebook group I am a member of. I decided to read some of it. The book, Come to Wisdom's Door, had some good points. One of the suggestions made by the author was that in order to be ready to leave the body, one has to be willing and ready to accept the truth of things. This stood out to me as very important for me.
When I went to sleep, I decided to ask to be shown the truth and told my guides I was ready to know and that I was ready to learn. I asked to be shown the truth of who I am. With that, I fell asleep.
I had difficulty sleeping, unfortunately. I tossed and turned much of the night. I think I was too hot. It has been horribly hot here and my bedroom is on the second floor. Sometimes it takes most of the evening for it to cool down to 78 degrees. Despite not being able to fall and stay asleep for long, I had some very vivid dreams.
Future Insight
One dream that was very vivid to me was of me speaking to an older gentleman. He was tall and thin with gray hair and prominent smile lines. He was telling me about the future of Earth in regards to my family lineage. Specifically, we were discussing what Earth would be like for my children and my children's children. He told me that in the future humans would be forced to change the way they got around, that transportation would be very different for those of the future. I saw in my mind's eye a visual of people resisting when he told me that some would be reluctant to change but in the end they would have to. I was not shown the kind of vehicles for travel (if there is one). I remember feeling that the future of my children and grandchildren would be a good one - much less pollution and more conservation of nature than now. I was so impressed by the information I received from this man that I said to him, "So maybe I should have another baby?" Overall I got a very positive sense of what is to come, though the man cautioned me, saying it was not all good. He said the times preceding this change would be tumultuous with heavy resistance from much of the population and economic and political trials.
Car Falling Apart
The next dream I remember was being in town with my daughter. As we were approaching our red car, I noticed that someone had left a golden key in the door. It was stuck in really good and so I had to pry it out. The key was way too small and resembled a key for a filing cabinet. We then got into the car. As I was preparing to start the car, I noticed the outside panel of my door had fallen off and was on the ground. A dark haired man came by to try and help. I got out of the car, worried about what was happening. The car door panel revealed a white color underneath. I then noticed that the car had lost other panels. So there were red panels littering the ground and what was left was a white car. I remember saying that I hoped it was covered under warranty.
The dream shifted and I was inside with the man who was trying to help me with my car. We were talking about how to fix it. He was working on something at a table and I assumed he was getting some parts together to make my car work. However, as I watched he formed something into the shape of a sphere and it seemed pliable like made of leather or puddy. When he was done, he was holding a large model of Earth in his hand but it was all browns and tans, not true to color. He then topped it with a golden string.
The dream shifted again and I remember seeing an old friend from high school. We hugged and I noticed she was much thinner. I complemented her on her loss of weight and we talked for a little while about it. Somehow we ended up in a bed together. This is where I believe my dream began to shift and I got more lucid. I was in the bed along with my brother-in-law, my friend and her boyfriend. I remember thinking it was odd that my brother-in-law was so close to me and in bed with me. I remember glancing at the clock and it said 5:32a.m. and then I looked again and it said 3:30a.m. At this time there was a noticeable sensation in my root chakra. I recall talking with a man about blocking the energy or controlling it.
Trip to Lumeria
It was at this point that I suddenly became very conscious. I felt I was either about to exit my body or maybe already out of it, but I could not seem to make sense of what I was feeling. There were no vibrations, just a knowing that I was not in my body. I waited patiently as my energy stabilized. At least I Think that is what I was doing. It was like I was being instructed but there was no one with me, no guide talking to me. I was just calm and...waiting for the shift to occur.
I saw in front of me the outline of a framed box. I knew I needed to go through this box. I could sense a depth to it. But I still waited.
Eventually I began to see shapes and forms of a landscape appear before me and I felt a tangible shift in energy. It was like a signal went off in my mind saying, "Now" but I didn't hear anything. Again, I just knew. And so I went into the framed box that I now realize was a portal. The whole time I could sense the scenery I was going into, but in browns and grays and with no real substance - more like a two dimensional photograph.
Suddenly I had full visual perception. The colors were so vivid and real and I saw again a shift, as if the image in front of me rippled for a second. When this happened, what I saw became even more substantial. If I could have held my breath from the beauty I saw spread out in front of me, I would have. For a moment the experience felt surreal, unreal. In front of me was a field of vivid tall green grass. To my right was a very tall, huge tree whose branches spread out so far they nearly touched the tops of the grass. The white of the tree's bark was bright and contrasted with the most vivid green I have ever seen. I recall at that moment I rubbed my hands together and asked for more clarity. The scene solidified more and I felt solid in it, as if I were in my physical body.
I continued to view this marvelous place I found myself in. I spanned the entire scene and my attention stopped upon the sky to my left (the tree was in the way of my vision of the sky to my right). Although it was very obviously day, the sky appeared as if it were night, but unlike any night time sky I have ever seen on Earth. There was vivid pink fuschia near the top of the sky and the rest of the sky was a deep indigo with lighter purple splotches throughout. There were millions of stars amidst this sky, spread out with such spectacular beauty that I felt mesmerized for a moment by them. There were four very bright stars in the center of what seemed like a galaxy cloud of stars that swirled and twisted in various directions. I stared at the stars for a very long time. There was something familiar about them.
At that moment I lost the view and felt the familiar pull back to my body. I remained calm despite recognizing where I had just been. The energy shifted and I could hear the sounds of my husband breathing. I also felt a very strong energy around my heart chakra. I knew I was near my body, likely even superimposed over it, but not in it. I felt as if I were right on the edge of expanded consciousness, though I am not even sure that is what to call it. I noticed two distinct aspects of myself, but it wasn't me more like an energetic shift, like I was sitting right on top of that shift and could choose to awaken or continue my journey. I was very aware of this and very calm. This is unusual for me and I didn't question it, just noticed it. I felt directed, but again there was no voice or presence, I just knew what to do. I remember recognizing that I could return to the place where I had just been. I decided I would.
The instant I made the decision to return I again saw a scene appear in front of me. It was fluctuating as if it were breathing. I continued to wait like before, as if I knew that it was not yet the right time to advance through into the picture in front of me. As my vision improved I saw in front of me the same field and tree as I had seen before but in browns and tans. At the moment my vision began to return, I felt a palpable shift and knew I had moved into the scene. Unfortunately, the scene's color was very subdued, as if someone shut off the lights. I instinctively knew it was to help me as the beauty of it was so amazing before that it caused me to return to my body. In order to stabilize myself within the scene, I rubbed my hands together and even looked down at them. I could see my hands clearly, though they looked illuminated rather than solid. I then said loudly, "Clarity now". The colors intensified before I even finished the thought and I was standing below the sprawling tree I had seen before. Looking up, I saw its huge branches and sent out the intention to fly. Before I was even finished with the thought (I actually don't even remember thinking "Fly") I was floating up quickly. As if to slow me down, large, white branches came down in front of me and I saw them almost as a protective force. I felt no fear and just accepted the branches as they enveloped me. I then thought aloud, "I want to meet people". Before I had finished the thought I found myself flying high and coming up and over what appeared to be the edge of a crater. Below, spread out for miles, were houses upon houses. They were mostly brown and bright white and were in various shapes - square, oval, rectangle. They appeared to either be on stilts or floating. I set my attention on a circular house near the center but noticed the place was very quiet and devoid of activity as I got closer and closer to the house. When I came to the house, it felt as if I were very, very large and the house was very tiny. I remember thinking I needed to shrink to fit inside it. There was almost panic here, like I had a fear of not fitting and crashing into the house, but it never surfaced.
I "shrank" and went right in through a window of the circular house. Inside the house was very neat and orderly. It looked much like a house on Earth, but like one of those very modern homes. I recall seeing no one inside and wondering where everyone was.
With that thought I was immediately back in my body. I waited a while, hoping I could return, but soon realized the energy was not right. I had lost whatever I had before that allowed me to return. I also felt the return of the part of me that was excited about what I had just experienced. At the moment this occurred, I noticed I was not alone. There was a guide with me and he was talking to me as my mind went through the details of the experience.
I immediately asked where I had been. I heard the name but it was lost to me as quickly as I heard it. My guide said, "Don't focus on it so much". With those words, I calmed down and entered into a semi-lucid state purposefully. I did this by breathing in deeply, pulling energy from my root chakra up and out of my crown chakra and then surrounding myself with it, creating an egg of energy around me. Whenever I pulled the energy up and out I caught a glimpse of my guide. His hair was dark and neatly cropped. I could make out his profile but when I tried to look closer, I lost the image of him. But every time I moved the energy, I saw him standing very close by.
In this semi-lucid state I was talking to this guide. He asked me if I was happy for the experience. I told him yes! There was a short discussion about future events because I asked about the dream I had. There was mention of a governor from Arizona who was friends with the current governor of Texas but I don't remember why we were talking about politics. He then began explaining that I still needed healing and gave me a name, Dr. Long. I got excited and said, Stella Long? Yes! I need a doctor! I asked when I would meet her, if she was in the physical or astral. At this point I had gotten too conscious of the conversation and his words were lost to me. When I "woke" up from this, I immediately knew the name of the place I had been. It was Lumeria. The name sounded strangely familiar.
I then got up and wrote down as much of my experience as I could remember.
I am so excited to have had an astral experience that was not full of rain and depressed images! I also am very proud of my progress. Though I have not written much about my previous astral travels prior to 2007 in this blog, there are many significant differences I am noticing.
First, I am calm. Me, calm? Yep. I don't know why. I haven't done anything different that I can think of. In my past travels I would have to work very hard to get calm. I spent hours and numerous astral experiences trying to perfect my ability to contain my emotions. Now, I don't seem to have to try at all. I am just calm. And even stranger, it is as if my ego is completely subdued. My ego is the part of me that got excited and let her emotions get out of control.
The experiences are more real, almost solid. This could be perhaps due to the fact that I am calmer and not moving about so much. In the past I would stay busy and move constantly, not focusing too much on one thing because it always pulled me back into my body. Now I seem to be able to appreciate what I am experiencing more.
The energy is different. My energy is different. I feel it shift and change. I can also see it change. It is hard for me to put into words. At one point, while waiting to enter the portal in front of me, I remember thinking as this energy was very obvious to me, that "This is the phase I have been reading about!" I never really comprehended what all the talk about "the phase" was, but now I think I know.
Finally, there is a inherent trust I have found I have for the process and whoever is helping me through it. I no longer seem to need to know who is with me. They are with me and I trust that and acknowledge it through my being. I am in sync with them and with something much bigger than myself. I think I just got a taste of it this morning and I know there is more to come. I feel so blessed to have gotten this gift.
Note: I looked up the name Stella Long. The first result was a Facebook account. When I went to her page I noticed she and I had a mutual friend. I am wondering if I should contact her....
I was overcome with emotion out of the blue and fed up with the worry over having to return to a job that was so miserable last time I was there. I finally asked my guides for help. "I need help with this. Please help me understand why this is happening? What can I do to make it through this?" The emotional outcry only lasted a moment. Once I asked for help, the emotion subsided.
Minutes later, while taking a shower, I got the idea to go back and get some auditing. I hadn't had it for a few years. I was due for some sessions. I began to second guess myself on this, though, and felt I needed to make the call to get the ball rolling before I changed my mind. So, as soon as I got out of the shower, I made the call. I felt loads better afterwards. I realized my question - What can I do to make it through this? - had been answered. When I asked why this would help, I recognized that auditing makes the ego more manageable. Good!
I felt good the rest of the day and got a lot done. At one point, I ran across a book on astral projection that someone posted in a Facebook group I am a member of. I decided to read some of it. The book, Come to Wisdom's Door, had some good points. One of the suggestions made by the author was that in order to be ready to leave the body, one has to be willing and ready to accept the truth of things. This stood out to me as very important for me.
When I went to sleep, I decided to ask to be shown the truth and told my guides I was ready to know and that I was ready to learn. I asked to be shown the truth of who I am. With that, I fell asleep.
I had difficulty sleeping, unfortunately. I tossed and turned much of the night. I think I was too hot. It has been horribly hot here and my bedroom is on the second floor. Sometimes it takes most of the evening for it to cool down to 78 degrees. Despite not being able to fall and stay asleep for long, I had some very vivid dreams.
Future Insight
One dream that was very vivid to me was of me speaking to an older gentleman. He was tall and thin with gray hair and prominent smile lines. He was telling me about the future of Earth in regards to my family lineage. Specifically, we were discussing what Earth would be like for my children and my children's children. He told me that in the future humans would be forced to change the way they got around, that transportation would be very different for those of the future. I saw in my mind's eye a visual of people resisting when he told me that some would be reluctant to change but in the end they would have to. I was not shown the kind of vehicles for travel (if there is one). I remember feeling that the future of my children and grandchildren would be a good one - much less pollution and more conservation of nature than now. I was so impressed by the information I received from this man that I said to him, "So maybe I should have another baby?" Overall I got a very positive sense of what is to come, though the man cautioned me, saying it was not all good. He said the times preceding this change would be tumultuous with heavy resistance from much of the population and economic and political trials.
Car Falling Apart
The next dream I remember was being in town with my daughter. As we were approaching our red car, I noticed that someone had left a golden key in the door. It was stuck in really good and so I had to pry it out. The key was way too small and resembled a key for a filing cabinet. We then got into the car. As I was preparing to start the car, I noticed the outside panel of my door had fallen off and was on the ground. A dark haired man came by to try and help. I got out of the car, worried about what was happening. The car door panel revealed a white color underneath. I then noticed that the car had lost other panels. So there were red panels littering the ground and what was left was a white car. I remember saying that I hoped it was covered under warranty.
The dream shifted and I was inside with the man who was trying to help me with my car. We were talking about how to fix it. He was working on something at a table and I assumed he was getting some parts together to make my car work. However, as I watched he formed something into the shape of a sphere and it seemed pliable like made of leather or puddy. When he was done, he was holding a large model of Earth in his hand but it was all browns and tans, not true to color. He then topped it with a golden string.
The dream shifted again and I remember seeing an old friend from high school. We hugged and I noticed she was much thinner. I complemented her on her loss of weight and we talked for a little while about it. Somehow we ended up in a bed together. This is where I believe my dream began to shift and I got more lucid. I was in the bed along with my brother-in-law, my friend and her boyfriend. I remember thinking it was odd that my brother-in-law was so close to me and in bed with me. I remember glancing at the clock and it said 5:32a.m. and then I looked again and it said 3:30a.m. At this time there was a noticeable sensation in my root chakra. I recall talking with a man about blocking the energy or controlling it.
Trip to Lumeria
It was at this point that I suddenly became very conscious. I felt I was either about to exit my body or maybe already out of it, but I could not seem to make sense of what I was feeling. There were no vibrations, just a knowing that I was not in my body. I waited patiently as my energy stabilized. At least I Think that is what I was doing. It was like I was being instructed but there was no one with me, no guide talking to me. I was just calm and...waiting for the shift to occur.
I saw in front of me the outline of a framed box. I knew I needed to go through this box. I could sense a depth to it. But I still waited.
Eventually I began to see shapes and forms of a landscape appear before me and I felt a tangible shift in energy. It was like a signal went off in my mind saying, "Now" but I didn't hear anything. Again, I just knew. And so I went into the framed box that I now realize was a portal. The whole time I could sense the scenery I was going into, but in browns and grays and with no real substance - more like a two dimensional photograph.
Suddenly I had full visual perception. The colors were so vivid and real and I saw again a shift, as if the image in front of me rippled for a second. When this happened, what I saw became even more substantial. If I could have held my breath from the beauty I saw spread out in front of me, I would have. For a moment the experience felt surreal, unreal. In front of me was a field of vivid tall green grass. To my right was a very tall, huge tree whose branches spread out so far they nearly touched the tops of the grass. The white of the tree's bark was bright and contrasted with the most vivid green I have ever seen. I recall at that moment I rubbed my hands together and asked for more clarity. The scene solidified more and I felt solid in it, as if I were in my physical body.
I continued to view this marvelous place I found myself in. I spanned the entire scene and my attention stopped upon the sky to my left (the tree was in the way of my vision of the sky to my right). Although it was very obviously day, the sky appeared as if it were night, but unlike any night time sky I have ever seen on Earth. There was vivid pink fuschia near the top of the sky and the rest of the sky was a deep indigo with lighter purple splotches throughout. There were millions of stars amidst this sky, spread out with such spectacular beauty that I felt mesmerized for a moment by them. There were four very bright stars in the center of what seemed like a galaxy cloud of stars that swirled and twisted in various directions. I stared at the stars for a very long time. There was something familiar about them.
At that moment I lost the view and felt the familiar pull back to my body. I remained calm despite recognizing where I had just been. The energy shifted and I could hear the sounds of my husband breathing. I also felt a very strong energy around my heart chakra. I knew I was near my body, likely even superimposed over it, but not in it. I felt as if I were right on the edge of expanded consciousness, though I am not even sure that is what to call it. I noticed two distinct aspects of myself, but it wasn't me more like an energetic shift, like I was sitting right on top of that shift and could choose to awaken or continue my journey. I was very aware of this and very calm. This is unusual for me and I didn't question it, just noticed it. I felt directed, but again there was no voice or presence, I just knew what to do. I remember recognizing that I could return to the place where I had just been. I decided I would.
The instant I made the decision to return I again saw a scene appear in front of me. It was fluctuating as if it were breathing. I continued to wait like before, as if I knew that it was not yet the right time to advance through into the picture in front of me. As my vision improved I saw in front of me the same field and tree as I had seen before but in browns and tans. At the moment my vision began to return, I felt a palpable shift and knew I had moved into the scene. Unfortunately, the scene's color was very subdued, as if someone shut off the lights. I instinctively knew it was to help me as the beauty of it was so amazing before that it caused me to return to my body. In order to stabilize myself within the scene, I rubbed my hands together and even looked down at them. I could see my hands clearly, though they looked illuminated rather than solid. I then said loudly, "Clarity now". The colors intensified before I even finished the thought and I was standing below the sprawling tree I had seen before. Looking up, I saw its huge branches and sent out the intention to fly. Before I was even finished with the thought (I actually don't even remember thinking "Fly") I was floating up quickly. As if to slow me down, large, white branches came down in front of me and I saw them almost as a protective force. I felt no fear and just accepted the branches as they enveloped me. I then thought aloud, "I want to meet people". Before I had finished the thought I found myself flying high and coming up and over what appeared to be the edge of a crater. Below, spread out for miles, were houses upon houses. They were mostly brown and bright white and were in various shapes - square, oval, rectangle. They appeared to either be on stilts or floating. I set my attention on a circular house near the center but noticed the place was very quiet and devoid of activity as I got closer and closer to the house. When I came to the house, it felt as if I were very, very large and the house was very tiny. I remember thinking I needed to shrink to fit inside it. There was almost panic here, like I had a fear of not fitting and crashing into the house, but it never surfaced.
I "shrank" and went right in through a window of the circular house. Inside the house was very neat and orderly. It looked much like a house on Earth, but like one of those very modern homes. I recall seeing no one inside and wondering where everyone was.
With that thought I was immediately back in my body. I waited a while, hoping I could return, but soon realized the energy was not right. I had lost whatever I had before that allowed me to return. I also felt the return of the part of me that was excited about what I had just experienced. At the moment this occurred, I noticed I was not alone. There was a guide with me and he was talking to me as my mind went through the details of the experience.
I immediately asked where I had been. I heard the name but it was lost to me as quickly as I heard it. My guide said, "Don't focus on it so much". With those words, I calmed down and entered into a semi-lucid state purposefully. I did this by breathing in deeply, pulling energy from my root chakra up and out of my crown chakra and then surrounding myself with it, creating an egg of energy around me. Whenever I pulled the energy up and out I caught a glimpse of my guide. His hair was dark and neatly cropped. I could make out his profile but when I tried to look closer, I lost the image of him. But every time I moved the energy, I saw him standing very close by.
In this semi-lucid state I was talking to this guide. He asked me if I was happy for the experience. I told him yes! There was a short discussion about future events because I asked about the dream I had. There was mention of a governor from Arizona who was friends with the current governor of Texas but I don't remember why we were talking about politics. He then began explaining that I still needed healing and gave me a name, Dr. Long. I got excited and said, Stella Long? Yes! I need a doctor! I asked when I would meet her, if she was in the physical or astral. At this point I had gotten too conscious of the conversation and his words were lost to me. When I "woke" up from this, I immediately knew the name of the place I had been. It was Lumeria. The name sounded strangely familiar.
I then got up and wrote down as much of my experience as I could remember.
I am so excited to have had an astral experience that was not full of rain and depressed images! I also am very proud of my progress. Though I have not written much about my previous astral travels prior to 2007 in this blog, there are many significant differences I am noticing.
First, I am calm. Me, calm? Yep. I don't know why. I haven't done anything different that I can think of. In my past travels I would have to work very hard to get calm. I spent hours and numerous astral experiences trying to perfect my ability to contain my emotions. Now, I don't seem to have to try at all. I am just calm. And even stranger, it is as if my ego is completely subdued. My ego is the part of me that got excited and let her emotions get out of control.
The experiences are more real, almost solid. This could be perhaps due to the fact that I am calmer and not moving about so much. In the past I would stay busy and move constantly, not focusing too much on one thing because it always pulled me back into my body. Now I seem to be able to appreciate what I am experiencing more.
The energy is different. My energy is different. I feel it shift and change. I can also see it change. It is hard for me to put into words. At one point, while waiting to enter the portal in front of me, I remember thinking as this energy was very obvious to me, that "This is the phase I have been reading about!" I never really comprehended what all the talk about "the phase" was, but now I think I know.
Finally, there is a inherent trust I have found I have for the process and whoever is helping me through it. I no longer seem to need to know who is with me. They are with me and I trust that and acknowledge it through my being. I am in sync with them and with something much bigger than myself. I think I just got a taste of it this morning and I know there is more to come. I feel so blessed to have gotten this gift.
Note: I looked up the name Stella Long. The first result was a Facebook account. When I went to her page I noticed she and I had a mutual friend. I am wondering if I should contact her....