
I had an exhausting day yesterday, most likely because my sleep was interrupted so much the night before. The evening turned out very quiet and restful for me, though. We got a lot of rain and I think it helped me sleep.

I awoke feeling refreshed with a positive outlook. It was nice to feel like the day and the future was going to be bright. I had hope and optimism that I have not felt in a long time.

Metaphysical Store

I had many dreams last night but the one that is the most memorable is the one where I was visiting a metaphysical store.

The dream began when I walked into the store. I had my husband and two children with me and my children immediately went to exploring the store. I remember feeling a bit anxious about this but the store owners, an older couple, were not bothered by it at all. My son went into an area that looked like a conductor's box or control room. It had a seat that was located in the center of the box and the box had a glass window that looked out onto the parking lot. It reminded me of a drive though at a bank. I rushed in after my son and called him out but the man reassured me that it was okay. The man had salt and pepper hair and was about 50ish and a little bit shorter than me, about 5'5".

I looked around the shop and was mesmerized by the things inside it. It also had a good feeling, a feeling that said, "stay and enjoy yourself". I saw all the typical things in a metaphysical store - crystals, incense, books, teas, candles, etc. I remember there were arm chairs that looked comfy, so I sat in one. I had a cup of tea with me. I then closed my eyes and meditated.

The meditation was amazing! I was immediately pulled into another place where I was talking to a man. I don't remember his face or what the location looked like. He presented me with a book that was open to reveal pages with text. All I could then see in my line of sight was the book page. He asked me to read the page. I remember reading a significant amount of the page, about half. It was a paragraph. I wish I could remember it now, but unfortunately I do not. I did speak with the man about what I read and I repeated a part of what I read but also don't remember it now. He gave me advice and told me (this I remember) "You need to be clear about what you want". I had asked him why I was not getting a counseling job and that had been his answer. I then recall him showing me the steps in manifesting - know what you want, state it with intention and then you will get it.

Then I was awakened from my meditation by the shop owner. I had such a serene feeling - as if I had just gotten a massage and a cleansing of some sort. She asked me how I was doing and I explained that I had just had the most amazing experience and told her about reading the book and getting the message. She then invited me to have some tea and I told her I had already had some. She took me across to another part of the store and began putting together some tea. I was given a cup with what looked like some twigs in it that were steeping to create a tea. It was in large, white cup. The woman then gave me another cup of tea with what looked like tiny, white grains of rice or something. She also had some large red pieces of something she was putting in the tea. It reminded me of beets. She instructed me to drink the tea but not to eat the white stuff or the red stuff. After each sip, she dipped her hand into the tea and fished for the red stuff, cupping it in her hands and removing it. I sipped twice and she took out two red things. I was under the impression that the batch of tea had a certain amount of the red things and the number of them that ended up in my cup had significance, though I don't know what kind. I remember feeling very at ease with the woman, though. She had blonde hair and was also older, though maybe only in her 40s.

When I was done with the tea the lady took me to check out. I remember thinking it was going to cost a lot but she told me I owed $29. I paid it happily and told the woman "I don't want to leave". She said, "You can come back. I will write you a voucher. You can get two free (something's can't remember now)". She wrote that I could get something free on my receipt and handed it to me. I took it. Then a large, white dog jumped up on the counter behind her. I laughed and she scolded him to get down.

When I turned around I noticed that there was a restaurant in the store. At a long table was my husband and children and also a friend of my husband's and their family. They had food in front of them and looked happy, though my kids were playing around. This made me feel even more like staying in the shop. I remember saying to them, "Are you almost done? We need to go". My husband introduced me to his friend and explained that they were there from New Mexico. I remember saying it was a long way away, but the friend had been in the area so it was okay. The friend looked familiar but I don't know who he is.

As they were getting ready to leave I again remember looking at the shop wistfully. I wanted to stay really bad.

That is when I woke up. I felt at peace and so at ease. I feel I got substantial healing and reassurance in my sleep. I am glad because after last night I needed it!

Symbol Interpretation

Twig - small or minor growth is occurring in life.
Tea - satisfaction and contentment; taking your time with something going on in life.
Meditate - self-acceptance and enlightenment, don't be so hard on yourself.
Dog - intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection and fidelity; one has strong values and good intentions which will bring about success.
White - purity, peace, innocence; reawakening or fresh outlook.
White dog - intentions of a friend are true.

When I began to try and remember the paragraph I read in my dream meditation, I see a dragon curled up and asleep. I am reminded of how a dragon will sleep for years and years only to awaken when he is hungry or upset by something. In my mind I can see the dragon - a beautiful, mystical creature. I then think, "This is just my imagination" and I get another thought, "Trust yourself. Your subconscious remember the messages you were given". So I trust it and I think about what the significance of the dragon is.

The dragon is a symbol of strength, courage and fortitude. He reminds us not to view the world as humans but as mystical creatures which see the world as mysterious and wonderful. Dragons also ask us to tap into our psychic abilities and use them. He also is a great guide and represents one's ability to transcend and rise to new levels of awareness. The dragon can also represent good luck.

What do I want?

When I considered what I wanted I first thought, "To be a counselor" but then I thought about what that would mean if I got that now. It would mean possibly moving. If we moved then I would have to change doctors and my daughter would have to change schools. We would have to sell our house and find a new one. All this while I am pregnant. Kinda overwhelming.

Then I thought about how if I got a counseling job even this year that it would mean all of the above. Is that really what I want to deal with right now? I thought, "No".

Then I got mad because I realized that getting a job right now or even this year did not feel right to me. I then had a thought, "Trust your intuition" and it made me mad. It isn't fair that my intuition tells me to wait and my ego says to keep looking for a counseling job. I feel like I am at odds with myself. I don't want to wait! I hate my current job. It is a pain! I feel punished. What is even more upsetting is that I feel my intuition will win in this case, that I will be stuck here until I have this baby. I have too many conflicting emotions over this decision. I can't state my desires with intention because I have too many misgivings. My intuition makes me that way. I know it is a fail-safe to keep me on my path, but sometimes I just want to scream from it!

And even though I want to leave my house to get away from the drama that is likely to ensue from my pregnant, irresponsible older sister and some days I am convinced that I need to move as soon as possible, there is a little voice that asks me questions and makes me think it would not be in my or my family's best interest. And even crazier there is the thought that if I do leave and sell my house and get away that I am missing out on valuable lessons I intended to learn in this life and will, as a result, have to learn them later (ugh!). So, even though I know that I could move, I feel at odds with it because I feel like there is a need for me to stay. So frustrating!

It seems that others with similar gifts to my own have less trouble with these kind of inner conflicts. I wish I could be told what to do and not argue. I always seem to have to argue. Or maybe it is that I am being given too much leeway? Of course, the only one I have to blame is myself. I planned this life, didn't I?


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