The Fox

I took the advice of a friend and decided to try reading a book before bed in hopes that it would help me fall asleep faster. So far, three out of four nights it has worked like a charm! I found a book by Robert Heinlein that I really like. It is called Methuselah's Children. I confess with much embarrassment that I have not read a book for pleasure since my early 20s. I use to read fantasy novels and dramatic classics when I was in my teens but somehow life got in the way and I found myself too busy for books. It has been nice to settle down at night with a book and get caught up in another world. I can see why it helps me to sleep as my mind is much more focused on the book than on my life and my problems. It has been nice. My only future worry is finding another book when I am done with this one.

3 a.m. 

On the nights where I fell asleep quickly, I found myself waking up suddenly at 3 a.m. The first time it happened I was confused as to where I was and I heard my guide say, "It's okay". I lay there for a while trying to remember my dreams but was unable to. Then I heard the computer make the noise it makes when someone plugs in a USB. I stiffened, thinking, "Who is up here?" and listened very closely for footsteps. When I didn't hear any I thought it had been Spirit. This kept me awake for a while until I finally got up and checked the computer. It's screen was dark and there was no one there. So, I turned the volume down so no noise could be heard and went back to sleep. I slept very lightly, though, and remember hearing in my dream, "It's almost 5:30" so I woke up and caught my alarm right before it went off at 5:30 a.m.

Last night I awoke at 3 a.m. again. It is not 3:20 or 3:10, it is always 3:00 a.m. on the dot. When I looked at the clock I immediately wondered what was going on. I again could not remember my dreams though this time I was not confused as to where I was or had been. I could feel my guide close but he didn't say anything and I didn't try and talk to him. I soon fell back asleep but only lightly again waking before my alarm.

The number 3 is a number of creativity. When seen repeatedly it can be considered a message, though. The angel number 3 encourages one to be communicative and social with others and to live life with joy, be optimistic and spontaneous. I still feel like this is not exactly why I am waking at 3 a.m., though. Because my guide is close, I am thinking I am learning in my sleep, especially since I have not been remembering my dreams. I also have been having a feeling that I am preparing or being prepared. When I woke up the first night I felt anxious and alert but I didn't know why. When I woke this morning I felt that as well, though I was more calm. Finally, another reason I think something is about to happen or that I am being prepared is that I got a message the first night I fell asleep. I was talking to my guide and clearly remember us conversing about future events. I cannot recall what we were talking about now (grr!) but I do know he was telling me of something that was about to happen and preparing me for it. It was not necessarily bad because the feeling I had was that it was a good thing. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it was. That is the way it seems to go, though.

The Fox

This morning on my way to work I saw a cute little fox running down the road in front of my car. He was small, probably a juvenile, and he quickly ran into the tall grass so I was not able to get a good look at him.

I rarely see foxes so I took his appearance as a message. I found information of the message of the fox from this site.

According to the site, the fox encourages action and quick, swift moves. This may mean that I may be called to take action in a way that shows my ability to adapt and move quickly through obstacles and resistance.
The fox has to do with mental ability such as: Analytical intelligence, power of deduction and observation. Fox may also mean that I am sharpening my physical alertness and responsiveness. Fox reminds me to be discerning in my life choices and look for situations where someone may be trying to get me to do something I would not ordinarily do. Fox can also be reminding me to be aware of deceitfulness or trickery because of his ability to sneak in and out of places undetected. Finally, because fox is most alert at night he reminds me to pay attention to my dreams and to listen to the wisdom of my spirit guides. 
Seeing fox this morning seems to go well with my questions about waking at 3 a.m. Perhaps I will remember my dreams more tonight and get some insight into what is going on and/or about to happen. 

Edit: I post my blogs on FB and when I was about to post this one, a phrase popped into my head: Something wicked this way comes. This also happens to be a novel by Ray Bradbury that I have never read. When I researched it I realized there may be a message contained in it and so read some of the themes of the novel. One theme is that self-serving desires and wishes are the basis of human malice and unhappiness and can act as a trap in life. One must accept their own faults and pursue life with enthusiasm and joy. It also focuses on the importance of human companionship. 

When I read this theme I realized how it applied to my life. It also goes along with the message brought to me by the number 3. Instead of allowing myself to be overcome with anger and upset over the unfairness of life, it is better if I focus on building relationships in my life, being social and being joyful in my life's experiences. There is more to life than schedules and routine. I need to get out there and do what I enjoy with those I love. 


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