Flying Home

Last night I had some vivid dreams despite sleeping so hard that I woke up with numb hands. Since they were so vivid I figured I would write them out and try to figure out their meaning.

Old Car and Flying Home

This dream was in two parts. In the first part I was driving in my old Fiat from when I was in high school. It was a tiny, black hardtop convertible. I remember being with old high school classmates, one which I often see in dreams because I developed quite a hatred of her. In the dream the car was parked and I was getting into it. The girl whom I just mentioned was there with her boyfriend being very friendly. I was not feeling any animosity towards her, either, which is odd for my dreams. I remember getting into the car and she and her boyfriend helped push my car back out of the parking space. I recall being grateful to them and telling them "Thank you". The engine was off until I was completely backed out and then it started and I drove off.

About the time that I should have been driving my car away the dream shifted and I found myself flying high up in the sky looking down on the countryside below me. I remember seeing the lights from various homes and buildings. It was quite beautiful even though it was dark. My attention was on finding the road home and I remember talking to someone (or myself maybe) about finding the specific road, even saying its number. I looked down and located the road and began to follow it. I swooped down to tree level and noticed a large gray barn to my left. I continued flying and saw some white cows below me. I decided to stop and landed in the branches of a huge oak tree. While I was landing, a huge white cow began to chase me and tried to grab me. When I got into the tree I was high up in the branches and watched as the cow began to climb up them toward me. It seemed to morph into a white-gray mule at one point even. I began to talk to this cow/mule and tried to get it to fall out of the tree. I saw rotten branches and kept kicking them with my feet. I kicked one out from under where I was standing and then attempted to kick one out from under the cow/mule. Strangely, at this time the cow/mule was a person, a woman I think. She was talking to me but I don't remember what she was saying.

When I realized the person was not going away I flew up and out of the tree. I resumed looking for the road home and noticed I was off track, following the wrong road. I located the right road and went back towards it. I again swooped down near the ground and found myself near another barn that had a metal fence around it. I hovered over the fence and saw a white cow dog below. It began chasing me and grabbed onto my robe (I did not think I was wearing anything until this time). It pulled me down toward it and I resisted. My robe ripped and I flew up and away. The dog didn't seem menacing but it was trying to pull me down.


Car - One's life path. Since the car is my old car I was likely reminiscing about my past. The fact that my old enemy helped me out of my parking place suggests she played a vital role in shaping my future paths.

Flying - A sense of freedom is felt.

Home - A sense of security. I am looking for home in this dream, seeking it out.

Oak Tree - Longevity, strength, tolerance, wisdom and prosperity.

Branches - Good luck, growth and new life; can also indicate relationships and communication between ones self and their family.

Broken branch - Insecurity. Since I am breaking them on purpose I seem to be trying to prevent others (family?) from destroying my growth and new life or I am preventing communication.

Cows - Belonging or need of security (if a group of them). Since the cows were chasing me, it could indicate that I am resisting being a part of a group.

Mule - Stubborn and unyielding personality (I had to laugh here). Also means one is overbearing, unruly and unwilling to cooperate with others.

Dog - Since it is attacking me then it represents inner conflict.

The symbolism of this dream seems to be perfect as to how I felt when I woke up. I also feel I was out of body and really wish that I had been more lucid.

School in a Mobile Home

I awoke after the above dream with numb hands and had to shake them out. I then went to the bathroom and went back to sleep.

I immediately began having another dream. In this one I was with my old best friend from high school. We were heading to school and ended up inside a narrow, single-wide mobile home. Inside were a bunch of other students and we were being instructed to get into groups. I was not happy about this and grumbled quite a bit. I watched as my group, my best friend included, went to the far left hand corner. I stayed behind getting ready to join them but was still not wanting to participate. When I looked back to find them, they were gone. I remember saying to someone, "My group is gone. They left me". I went to look for them and someone suggested I look on the roof. I remember thinking that was likely where they were. The group that was in front of me had knocked over my bag and my stuff was laying out for all the see. I got upset and scolded them as I picked up my things and put them back into my bag. They looked at me with shock.

I got out my phone and tried to text my friend but got no response. I remember looking at my phone and thinking they were on the roof. So I went outside to check, taking my phone with me. When I went outside it was snowing and very cold. I could see snow banks around the building and I stood looking around and thinking about my friend and how she abandoned me. When I went back inside the groups of people were gone and it was more like a living room than a classroom. There was a family inside. I specifically remember a man who was my age and his mother. They were watching T.V. I went inside and sat in the corner where my group had been and sulked. As I sat there I saw a little white kitten. The man remarked that he looked injured and I saw he had bite marks on his head. The kitten ran towards the center of the room and two other white kittens came toward it aggressively. One jumped on its head and bit him ferociously. I grabbed the biting kitten and threw him to the side. Then the other kitten did the same and I also grabbed him and threw him aside. Both aggressive kittens then kept their distance and I watched as the picked on kitten went under a table. There the other two met up with him and were nice to him. I also noticed a litter box under the table with them. I then watched as one kitten went into the hallway. I followed and leaned on a door. The door was not stable and came out of the wall almost knocking me on the floor. There was a drop-off there and I remember thinking, "This needs guard rails. It is not safe for children". I remember finally finding the kitten in the mother's restroom. It had destroyed everything and made a mess. There was white toilet paper shredded everywhere.

At some point the man watching the T.V. became the focus of my attention. I was no longer sulking and he was friendly to me. I remember my friend returned looking for me and the man told her I was not going with her. I was still sulking in the corner at the time with a green blanket wrapped around me.  She and I spoke for a little while. I asked her why she left me and she told me that she and the rest of the group did not think I liked them. I told her, "That isn't true!" I then recalled how I was quite short with them and negative when I was suppose to be working the group with them. I was actually angry about being forced to be in the group, not at them.

Soon she left and I stayed with the man. He was very comforting and I remember that he looked nice with dark brown hair and stopped just short of his shoulders. He also had kind eyes. At some point the man and I got close and there was discussion about us getting married. He was a foreigner, though I am not sure what country he was from (Russia maybe?). I do recall that I was visiting the country, though, and was expected to leave to return to my own country. His mom was at first reluctant to accept me into the family but eventually she did. I remember feeling hopeful and snuggling with the man. I felt safe. I never left to return to my own country.

That is when I woke from the dream. I remember thinking that I would like to be with the man from the dream in a sexual way. I recall feeling the comforting energy of my guides spread all over my body. I fell back to sleep but did not have anymore dreams.


There are a lot of symbols in this dream.

Kitten - transitional phase; rescuing kitten indicates desire to help people who are headed in the wrong direction in life.

White - purity.

Cell phone - One is receptive to new information. There may be something that I am trying to understand better.

Mobile home - A home is basic security and needs but it being mobile may indicate a feeling of instability.

Group - the merging of one's various aspects of personality and character.

The classroom scene seems to have been me discussing my past and my issues with groups, especially the feelings of being abandoned by a group or a friend. The man in the dream is obviously my guide or some semblance of him. He helps me accept things and transition to a new path or direction, leaving the old path behind. I seem to accept this and am hopeful.


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