Numbers in Dreams

It's been a while since I have posted. I've just been so busy and tired that blogging is just not something I want to do. Plus there has not been much to talk about. No astral travels, very few dreams and not much spirit guide activity to relate. It has just been slow going and pretty boring.

Today I am 13 weeks pregnant. I can't believe I am already so far along. I don't feel pregnant right now except that when I take a shower I am reminded very obviously that there is a little baby inside me. I swear I have felt the baby move twice, but I don't tell many people because most have to tell me, "Oh that can't be. The baby is too little. It must just be gas". Yet I know what a baby feels like and that is what I felt.

Lately I have not been feeling as emotional which is a very good thing. I have been less tired as well. I have not been feeling as cursed in life as I was either, which is also a very good thing. I attribute much of my emotional stability to the fact that I am in the 2nd trimester now. It is the best trimester and last pregnancy I felt amazing. Hoping it will repeat this pregnancy.


I have not been able to remember much of my dreams since I started back to work. I sleep hard and deep and wake up with no memory of my dream adventures. This bums me out big time but then again I don't really have much time to think about my dreams or spiritual side.

Lately, however, I have been remembering portions of my dreams. Specifically I have been remembering numbers. The night before last I got the number 200 (it was 2:00pm in my dream). Last night I got three numbers - 6, 11, and 13. I also woke up thinking to myself, "The grass is always greener on the other side".

Angel number 200 - Trust your intuition and listen to your guides/angels. This number is a message that you are "on track" and where you are suppose to be in life. It also reminds you that you will encounter small obstacles along the way and reminds you that these obstacles are there to teach you lessons and help you on your path. This number is about divine timing; everything happens when it is suppose to.

Angel number 6 - This number reminds you to keep a balance between your spiritual and material self. It reminds you to be grateful for what you already have. This number also indicates that trust is needed. Trust that life is giving you what you need and that things will turn out how they are suppose to.

Angel number 11 - This numbers reminds you to connect to your higher self and remember you soul mission. It is the number of the light worker. It also reminds you to have a positive attitude in order to manifest your desires.

Angel number 13 - This is a message from your angels that some upheavals may take place in your life. These things are happening to help you in life, even though they may not seem that way. These obstacles will bring new opportunity for your to grow spiritually. It is important that you accept these changes gracefully. These life transitions will bring you into alignment with your soul path and mission.

The number 200 and 13 seem to go hand-in-hand to remind me that there will be "small" obstacles that I must overcome in order to learn certain important lessons. I can handle "small" obstacles pretty well but I am not too pleased to see the meaning of the number 13. I would like to not have anymore upheavals. I have had enough already with being pregnant unexpectedly and being at the same job as last year. I am also very upset about my family situation (my sister particularly).

When I awoke the number 13 and the phrase "The grass is always greener on the other side" came hand in hand. It was as if I were told before I awoke to remember those two things. I lay in bed for a while trying to remember my dreams and was successful, but they seemed to have nothing to do with the number or the phrase.

Family Reunion and Stolen Jacket

I remember one dream in particular pretty well from beginning to end. In the dream I was outside but also seemed to be in a large gathering place like a church or gymnasium. I remember seeing a group of my family below me and I walked toward them. There were tables lined up with food and family members all around. I do not remember who they were now but I recognized them as my Mom's family mostly who were all very old.

I recall talking to one woman and then going to a circle of  tables that had salads on them. I had to walk inside the circle of tables to select my salad. Some salads were green and leafy while others were sweet and more like desserts. I remember taking one that seemed like a cross between a green salad and a dessert salad. I don't recall eating it, though. I also remember being in a hurry, like I needed to get my food quickly as I had been late and everyone else was already done eating.

Then I walked along a road and up a hill of green grass which was across from where I had just been with the food and tables. I seemed to go from inside to outside but without going through a door. I then found myself with a group of people who I knew in the dream cannot recall who they are now. We were meeting for a class and there was a police officer who was our teacher. I remember sitting at a table and then again being in the same place where the food was previously (it is like I was going back and forth between scenes). Everyone was saying it was cold and I said, "I'm not" and snuggled in my warm leather jacket. One guy asked me where I got the jacket and I said I found it on a table.

Then I remember being in what appeared to be a police station in a room with my classmates. The class went along and I don't recall much of it now except that it felt very technical, like I was in a class that I had to complete in order to move on to another level or something. This is where numbers came in but I don't remember which numbers now. It seems the more I try to remember what the class was about the harder it is to remember. I do, however, recall seeing an evacuation or mass exit of all the people in the gymnasium (place where reunion was).

Then I felt guilty because the jacket I was wearing was not my jacket. I took it off at the end and put it back on the table. I later saw a man in a flat bed pickup truck gather it up along with other jackets that had been left. I realized they were picking up stuff left by the crowd that had just left and I didn't feel so bad anymore. I figured the jacket would be picked up by the owner from the lost and found if it was missed.


Reunion - To dream of a reunion indicates that there are feelings from the past that need to be recognized.

Salad - To see a salad suggests that you need to express your feelings and take in the positive influences in your life.

Dessert - To see dessert suggests that you are indulging in the good things in life or are being tempted or indulgent in life.

Police - To see a police officer in your dream suggests that you need to stop being reckless or it will catch up to you. It also can indicate that you are failing to honor your obligations and commitments.

Classroom - To dream you are in a classroom indicates that you are learning a life lesson.

Jacket - Indicates the image you want to project of yourself. It also indicates that you may be protecting yourself by isolating yourself and hiding your emotions from others.

Evacuation - Suggests you are isolating yourself and holding back your emotions; feeling unaccepted.

Steal - Unrealized and unfulfilled goals; neediness.

Based upon these symbols it seems like I was discussing my tendency to withdraw from others and isolate myself in order to stay safe and not be vulnerable. The police officer as my teacher was interesting to me. There seemed to be an importance about the class and an urgency to be there. The jacket seemed to be a strong focus of the dream as was the evacuation and the dessert that I never ate. I can relate to most of the symbols in the dream but all in all something still does not feel right. I hope that the urgency is not related to my unwillingness to do something. I can be quite scared of doing things a new way and find that in life I often have to be pushed into things I don't want to do before I find they are not as scary as they seem. Sort of like a kid who is scared to learn to swim until her father throws her in the pool and she finds out 1. she can swim and 2. it is fun!


Not long ago I did have a visit from my guides, er well one guide. I was getting ready to read my book before bed and felt something was "off". I stopped and recognized instantly that my guide was to my left. Usually they are to my right so this was strange to me. He didn't say anything but I felt like he was there to warn me of something to come. I was not afraid by this, just calm as if I were expecting him. He has come around before bed a couple of times since, not saying a word. It is as if he is waiting for me to sleep.


I have been really concerned about my thoughts lately, specifically thoughts about my sister. I cannot seem to get her situation out of my head and I am really, really angry at her. I am also very angry at the universe for allowing such an injustice (at least as I see it). Ever since my sister cheated repeatedly on her husband, attacked her boyfriend, sold drugs (and did who knows how many other stupid and illegal things), went to jail, hooked up with our cousin, and got pregnant all I have wanted was for her to be punished. Yet it seems that she repeatedly gets what she wants. I am angry at my family for giving that to her. In my mind she should not be getting free rent, free Dish, free internet, free car, and free healthcare from the government. In my mind she should suffer. It is awful and I hate that I think this way. I asked yesterday, when the thoughts were bombarding me all day, for my guides to help me to rid myself of them. I really do love my sister and if she were anyone else I would feel sorry for her and try to help her. Instead I just want to tell her how disappointed I am in her and how much I hate who she has become. I feel like I am torturing myself with all the negative thoughts I am having about her. I know that I control my thoughts and so have been working hard to control them, but when I am tired or distracted they come back and I hate myself for thinking them. I want to be able to accept my sister for who she really is, even if I don't like it. I want to be able to have sympathy for her and her situation, but I keep thinking she is where she is because she made stupid decisions and then I get angry all over again. Perhaps this is one lesson I am learning, one of those inconvenient small obstacles (angel number 200) that I need to get passed. I know I can, but how?


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