
I just remembered something that happened last night and I had to write about it. I saw an apparition. I drew a picture of what I saw (above), though it is not good quality.

I am surprised I forgot about it considering that at the time it left me with my heart pounding.

I had gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the restroom like is the norm for me. I was half-awake and really still very tired. On my way back to my bed, I saw someone standing at the foot of my husband's side of the bed. It startled me and I maneuvered around her, thinking it was my daughter. As soon as I stepped aside, I caught my breath, realizing that the person was way to tall to be my daughter and seemed superimposed over the foot of the bed, the bed very obviously showing right through her. I stopped, my heart pounding, and turned to take a second look. There was nothing and no one there.

I got back in bed wondering who it was that I saw. I got no answer so I assumed it had been a trick of the light in the room and quickly went back to sleep.

The woman I saw looked very similar to my daughter, which is why I assumed my daughter had walked upstairs to find me. She sometimes sleep walks and so it would not be surprising for this to happen. However, this woman was quite tall, at least as tall if not taller than me and I am 5'6". She had very blonde, flowing hair that was down past her shoulders and wisps of bangs that stopped just above her eyes. She was wearing a gown that hung down to her ankles that I believe had a purple hue. I also recall the color white, almost like a luminescence around her or like she was back lit. It was very faint and not very obvious, but in my memory I can see a faint outline of white around her and see through her dress to the green bedding behind her. Her expression was blank as she looked at me. I do not recall her moving, just what she looked like. If I had to say what her age was I would say late 20s to early 30s.

I am still shocked that I didn't remember her until just now. I have no idea who she is. She looked like she could be one of my family members, but I don't know of anyone in my family who has passed that looked like her. When I showed my daughter my pictures she said, "She looks like you, mommy!" She then wanted to keep the picture.

If any of you recognizes this woman or has an idea of who she might be, I would love to hear from you. I was not/am not afraid of her. There was no feeling attached to this experience except the initial shock of someone being in my room.


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