Spot-On Intuition

It has been a hectic few days. I spent all day Monday doing errands - taking the kids to a doctor appointment and shopping. Then I got an email asking me to interview for a job an hour's drive from my home. I had been anticipating a phone call for an interview since Steven had warned me with a feeling that there would be more news on Monday, June 10th, so the email was great confirmation.

The drive to the interview was long - 1 hour. I had to take a two toll roads and go a route that I was not familiar with. Usually this leaves me feeling anxious the whole trip, but for some reason I remained relatively calm. I even got lost and had turn around, but everything worked out fine. I arrived early for the interview and explored the huge building while I waited.

The interview was very informal. I figured it would be. The lady even forgot to bring her interview questions, so just ended up asking me about myself and giving me the opportunity to ask some questions. What I learned about the job was exciting, but also a bit scary. The job requirements included a lot of travel - daily travel - and required good management skills as well as the ability to counsel adults more than students. The part of the job requirements that intimidates me the most is that I would be required to give group presentations frequently and travel in a city I am unfamiliar with. I also am unsure about relocating because of all the hassle involved with it. I really do not like thinking about selling my house, looking for a new house, packing up all our things and settling in a new place. Now I know why many people I know tend to stay in one place for so long. Just thinking about moving is exhausting!

I left the interview feeling calm and knowing I did well. The lady told me they would be doing another round of interviews and that she would be in touch, so I am waiting to hear back. Part of me doesn't care if they don't call me back - at least then I don't have to confront the idea of deciding whether to take the job or not. The entire drive home I felt calm despite my considerations about the job; no nerves at all. I recognized that part of the calm feeling came from knowing I already had a job and that no matter what, I would be financially secure. I also felt like the choice I would make, no matter what I decided, would be the right one. In my mind I can see the straight line that is my path, and the divergent routes that exist along the way. Even if I choose to take one of those routes, it ultimately will lead back to the main path. This is reassuring, though it can be considered a delay of sorts.

Today I have an interview much closer to home but the position is part-time. The pros are that it is close to home, in a small town, involves counseling very young children, gives me time to focus on my LPC certificate coursework, and requires very little presentations to adults. Interesting enough, the woman interviewing me knows a woman I currently work with who I do not get along very well with. I am wondering if that will come up in the interview? Edit: It didn't and the interview went really well. I really liked the atmosphere and all the people I met. However, I sensed the employees were very close knit and picky. I am secretly hoping they don't offer me the job. I don't want to take a part-time job too soon in the game.

I feel I will have news of another interview coming soon, today, in fact. I feel as if I will know more by the end of the week. I knew that I would get news of another job opportunity on Monday, and I did - the email for the interview yesterday. So I am pretty certain that this new information will pan out, too. Perhaps that is part of where the calm feeling comes from.

Am now home from my interview, which went well. I am feeling pretty jazzed because I got a call before the interview to schedule an interview for another position and then I got a call after the interview to schedule yet another interview - both with the same employer that is located perfectly between my house and Austin. SO if I get a job with that employer 1. I don't have to move, I can commute comfortably,  2. If we decide to move at a later day, I would not mind living there and 3. it is a small town. One of the positions is a really sweet position, too. So excited!

So, my gut feeling that I would get more news on interviews today turned out to be correct. This is really freaking amazing to know ahead of time what is about to happen and then have it happen! I am also having these gut feelings on when specifically things will happen, as in the time of day. Earlier, when I first got the feeling I would get a call, I saw in my mind that I was at the gym when the call came. Sure enough, I went to the gym and left my phone in the car. When I got to my car there was a message asking me to call to schedule an interview. Then, after I got home, I saw a missed call and called the number back to get a woman who had no idea who I was. So I hung up and went up to take my shower, but I hesitated because I felt like I would get a call back soon. I didn't listen to my intuition and jumped in the shower only to hear the phone ring when I was shampooing my hair! Ugh! But I was able to call back and get the interview scheduled, so no biggie.

But it sure is weird how spot on my intuition is right now......

Steven tells me I will get two offers and I also heard "three weeks" and "three". I am hoping that both offers are for positions that I want. I really do not want to have to make a decision too soon and have to choose before all my options have been revealed. I would really kick myself if I missed an opportunity. But it feels as if the three weeks is when this will all conclude. Three weeks from now is the end of June, so we'll see.


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