Raining Turkeys, Toilets and Spiders

The last couple of days have been pretty busy. I have not had time even to think much less write. I had two interviews this week, both for counseling positions. The first I had to drive quite a ways. The second was close to home. Both interviews went well. I thought I was going to have another interview today, but they called back the same day they called to set the interview to say they had filled the position. I was not upset by this. I had actually told my Mom, "I kinda want to call and cancel the interview. I just don't want to drive all that way". I was/am really tired of interviews. I really just want a job offer or two so that I can get on with my summer break.

I have a lot to write about, so will set this blog apart using sections. Hopefully that will make it easier to follow. In my mind, my thoughts are all over the place, so at least the sections will help me follow myself. 

Coincidence or Intuition?

I have been having some strange dreams the past few nights. In one dream, I dreamed of a clock. On the clock I could see that the minute hand was at ten minutes before the 12. In my mind I read the clock as "10 til' 2". Then I re-read it as "10 til' 3" and then back again at "10 til' 2". I also remember thinking, "10 til' 1", but this was very briefly. I recall talking to someone and discussing a schedule. I saw in front of me a calendar of this current week and saw the days filled in with writing. I also remember hearing "Eanes" over and over and even saying the name (Eanes is a place I applied to that is over an hour drive away).

I quickly forgot about much of the dream but did look up the number 102. As an angel number, 102 is a reminder that all is working out as it is meant to and to not get discouraged. It reminds one of their divine plan and that sometime things that seem to be a hindrance are actually blessings in disguise.

Then, yesterday, as I was driving, I remember thinking, "I wonder what time it is? I should check to see if it is 10 til' 2". I checked and saw it was 10 til' 3. I put my phone down, wondering if I would get a call. Seconds later, the phone rang. I laughed and answered. It was for an interview (this is the one that later was cancelled).

So far, this week has been much like the dream predicted. I have been very busy. Today, so far, is quiet, but I got a call and an email asking me to do a recorded interview via the internet. So, I plan on doing that sometimes today. I will be getting at least one phone call on Friday to find out if I got an offer. I have been thinking "Friday" for a few weeks now. I also have in my mind "$63,000". I have been pushing these thoughts out of my head, especially the salary. I have trouble thinking I could make that much money.

Dream Symbols

Like I mentioned earlier, I have been having very vivid dreams the past few days. I won't go into detail about all of them, but will mention a few of them as well as the symbols contained in them.

Raining Turkeys

A strange dream I had a couple of nights ago was that it was raining turkeys. In the dream I was on a mountain road way up high. I was talking to someone and there was a large semi truck. It was not moving and I remember pushing it up the hill, but the one I pushed was much smaller than the original one I saw. As I was involved in this truck pushing, I noticed the scenery change to snowy and then back to normal. I also briefly recall that it was raining and seeing huge turkey coming down out of the sky instead of raindrops. One turkey I focused on and I remember thinking, "He's dead". In my mind I can still see him. He is pointed head down at the ground. Others around him are flipping around, wings flapping. I am uncertain if they were all dead now.

Turkeys represent abundance and blessings. Raining turkeys could indicate that I am experiencing abundance. Seeing one of the turkeys dead could be my denial of this abundance. 


Last night I had a vivid dream where I was sleeping and trying to wake up. So, again I am struggling to stay awake in my dreams. I had an odd dream where I was at a house and in a bed. It was not my house but it was very vivid. I recall going into a bathroom and as I was walking along I saw spiders on the walls and all around. Some were hairy, others were tiny and still others were quite large. I remember not being scared but trying to avoid them. I briefly touched one when I was turning on the light. It made me jump.

This is what Dream moods has to say about Spiders in dreams:
To see a spider in your dream indicates that you are feeling like an outsider in some situation. Or perhaps you want to keep your distance and stay away from an alluring and tempting situation. The spider is also symbolic of feminine power or an overbearing mother figure in your life. Alternatively, a spider refers to a powerful force protecting you against your self-destructive behavior.
 Bathroom and Toilet

In the spider dream I was going to the bathroom. I recall entering the bathroom and seeing in the center of it a very huge, throne-like toilet. I went to use the toilet and saw that it had a lot of dried out feces in it. It looked like cat feces like one would see in a litter box, all dried out. Yet there was water in the toilet bowl. I recall using the toilet twice. The first time, it did not flush properly. The second time it did flush. There was a women who came in to clean the toilet. I remember she was perplexed at how clogged the toilet was with feces. I recall flushing it the second time to show her it would flush. The entire time there were spiders all over.

This is what Dream Moods has to say about bathrooms:
To dream that you are in the bathroom, relates to your instinctual urges. You may be experiencing some burdens/feelings and need to "relieve yourself". Alternatively, a bathroom symbolizes purification and self-renewal. You need to cleanse yourself, both emotionally and psychologically.

This is what Dream Moods says about toilets (note: I did not need to use the bathroom):
To see a toilet in your dream symbolizes a release of emotions. You need to get rid of something in your life that is useless. Seeing a toilet in your dream may also be a physical manifestation brought about by a full bladder. The dream is attempting to get you up and to the bathroom. If you are cleaning the toilet, then it means that you are starting to shed your outer wall or lose your inhibitions.

Recurring Dream

Finally, I had a dream last night in which I both recalled a previous dream and a dream scenario recurred. In the dream I was suddenly drawn to the month of October. I remember seeing and hearing the month and thinking of an ex-boyfriend. Something or someone indicated that this connection was wrong. I then thought of the name "Robert" this seemed right but then not so I struggled to remember the name of my current husband. This inability to remember the name of my current husband has happened in other dreams. 

I finally remembered my husband's name. Then I remembered the other dreams. In these other dream, I have a fight with him and he tells me that he is going to leave for a while. He wants me to consider his importance to me while he is gone and leaves. He lets me know I can contact him whenever I want. He is sad when he leaves and I always am somewhat relieved and don't much care. Later, however, I begin to miss him and struggle to find his phone number or email. In this current dream I was again struggling to remember him. I suddenly do remember him and frantically try to find a way to contact him. I recalled talking to someone saying, "I love him". I also felt foolish for letting him leave in the first place. I also remember feeling a surge in my heart chakra in my dream at this time.

The memory of past dreams and the current dream merged in a way and I woke up feeling like I needed to repair my marriage - that my husband has gotten distanced from me and that this has been happening for a while and I am just now realizing it.  I also felt that my current husband and I have had past lives together and that perhaps the dream is a memory of one, one in which he left me and I lost him because of my selfishness and inability to feel.

This dream goes very well with what happened yesterday. For some reason, as I was driving to my interview yesterday and the day before, I kept thinking of my husband and how much I love him. I got in my mind that I would video myself singing a song to him. It wouldn't leave my mind. So, yesterday, I sat down a did it and sent him the video link via email. I am not sure if he got it yet, but I hope he recognizes it as heartfelt. I had to redo the video several times because twice as I was singing I got choked up and couldn't finish. I have never done anything like that.


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