Book Considerations

I recently read Journey of Souls by Michael Newton. I was drawn to read it and it was also suggested to me by others. As I read it, many of the past life and between life memories of the cases presented by the author sparked memories of similar things I have experienced. At the same time, some things did not make much sense to me. Yet I felt I should finish the book. At the end, many of my experiences were validated.

For one, I have experienced a between life memory where I was taken to a domed room, sat in front of a curved screen and looked at a book that had moving pictures rather than pages. I went to this place prior to my descent into my current human body. At this time I remember feeling highly anxious/nervous about my life but also felled "called" to go into my body. The use of books with moving pictures and screens that are curved during life selection was described by Newton's clients on numerous occasions.

Another experience of mine that matches Newton's findings is I was told by Steven that we leave part of our energy on the Other Side while we are in a physical body. Long ago, when questioning Steven about the Other Side and where I came from, he explained to me that all of my energy was not in my current body. He showed me that 70% of my energy was elsewhere and explained that if I were to put all my energy in my body that my body "would not be able to contain it". This information was also discussed by Newton's clients.

I also had many experiences in my current life where I was triggered by events or a person and even told about turning points in my life. Newton calls these "recognition signs" and that these are put into our lives to help us recognize people and/or events that will impact us. In a sense, these signs prepare us for what lies ahead. For example, when I met my current husband I saw his eyes and at the same time heard, "This is it". His eyes were amazing and I felt like he was my angel. According to Newton, eyes are often used as recognition signs and in my case, this was very true. I still can look at my husband's eyes and feel the love I felt the moment we met. Another recognition sign for me was when I was struggling in a dead-end marriage. I kept feeling I was waiting for something before leaving my husband but didn't know what. I was near despair over it. One morning, as I woke up I heard very loudly, "GET OUT NOW!" That is exactly what I did, too. Strangely, when I decided to marry my first husband I knew the marriage would not last and I also knew that I was there to help him before our time together was over. The feeling was very strong at the time, but I cannot put my finger on an exact recognition sign.

After reading Journey of Souls, I started reading Destiny of Souls. In this book, Newton speaks of a Council of Elders and describes them very much as I remember mine. I have memories of my council of 12 and being taken down a corridor into a large, domed room constructed of white marble. It was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful there. I stood in the center of the room and my council was behind a table with the center guide doing most of the talking. I remember feeling very much like a student in the principal's office. My guide stood behind me to my left. This memory was a spontaneous one and I do not remember all that was discussed now. I just remember feeling very tiny in a very, very big, amazing place. There are also moments in my life when I notice I have more guides around me than usual. Typically I have three to four around me all the time. When something important is about to take place in my life I am able to perceive 12 guides. I always believe them to be my Council checking in on me at important times in my life. This has happened three times in my life thus far: (1) when I met my husband (lasted for three months), (2) when I gave birth to my daughter, and (3) on my 36th birthday (still trying to figure out the significance of that one). When they are there, they never talk to me, I just perceive that they are there. Then they disappear as quick as they appeared.

There are some things that don't sit well with me about both books. For one, Newton explains that souls have levels and colors that match those levels. He says the very young souls (level 1's) are white in color and the very advanced ones (level VI's) are purplish, with varying colors between. I am not sure what part of this description in inaccurate but I think that the colors have less to do with advancement to a level than what he suggests. I instinctively knew my color to be light blue. According to Newton this is a level IV and I am not sure that I am that advanced. However, I know that I am training to be a guide/teacher but think if I were to use Newton's levels that I would be someone along the line of a level III (maybe?). Another thing that bothers me is Newton's description of guides. Something doesn't sit well with me about a guide being over a group rather than just one individual soul. My guide, Steven, tells me that he is a companion traveler and assisted me with this life prior to my incarnating in it and that he will stay with me through the entirety of this life and be there on the Other Side when I die to help me transition. Perhaps Newton did not ask the right questions and so missed out on more information on guides? Perhaps Steven is the part of me that is still on the Other Side (the 70%)? Both are possible I suppose.

Overall, I think much of what Newton's clients describe is as a human would see it since it because it is being filtered through a human mind. Ultimately, the description would be flawed based upon human beliefs and tendencies. I really do not think that the description of the Other Side is accurate, though it may be a great metaphor.

Edit: Correction and "ah-ha" moment! In Destiny of Souls, Newton discusses how the soul merges with the body. A long time ago, Steven explained to me this process in similar terms to how Newton's clients described it. Steven told me that the spirit/soul came into the body while it was still in the uterus and slowly convinced the baby to accept it as part of itself. He called it a "union". He also told me this merging took a while to complete. At the time I did not ask how long but was shown that the crown chakra was not formed until around the age of 3. This memory came to me today on my drive home from work along with the idea that the answer about who exactly my guide is was right in front of my eyes the whole time! Me and my guide are ONE. He also played with me when I was a child (though I STILL cannot find the memory, my family confirms this), I finally was able to connect this merging process that occurs prior to birth to my own life when reading Destiny of Souls. A client told Newton how he had conversations with the mind of his body and even played with it from birth to around age 6. So, Steven is in fact who he says he is and I did/must have accepted him as part of me, or else he would not still be with me and who knows where I would be!


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