Astral Considerations

With all the strange changes that have been going in my life since the beginning of this year, I have recently found myself pulled back into the direction of astral travel. With the introduction of my new guide, Jeb, fresh in my mind, I wonder if he has anything to do with this sudden shift in my interests. As I consider that question, I hear a "Yes" but I also know that his entrance into my life was brought about by change that was meant to occur at this exact time in my life. So I know I am on track and I am assured that this transition will be a smooth one, even though I do not consciously know exactly what that means.

I use to be an avid astral traveler. I was thrown into astral quite unexpectedly about a year into my spiritual awakening. I had been meditating frequently - 2 or more times a day. In my meditations I connected strongly with my guides and learned a great deal about myself. My first astral experience terrified me, though. I found myself standing near the window in my bedroom. I did not know I was in astral. I thought I was awake and maybe sleepwalking. I was talking to a woman. We were arguing about a radio. I wanted her to turn it off. I could hear that it was on and someone was talking loudly. She would not turn it off so I went to turn it off and I could feel her energy slam into me and then she was in me. I thought I was being attacked so I put up a protective shield around me and told her to leave. I was telling her to leave when I popped back into my body suddenly. My heart was racing and I felt buzzing all over. I thought it was this spirit and it terrified me. I remember calling to my guide for help. I also remember not being able to move right away, which also scared me. When I finally opened my eyes I was confused and terrified. My guide, Steven, assured me I was okay, though, so I believed him.

I was led to research this odd experience I had. I had never heard of astral travel, so it took me a while to find out that what I had experienced was in fact an astral experience. I located a book (can't remember the name now) and read a bit of it at the bookstore. What I read intrigued me. It explained the astral body and how a person can use it to travel. It explained the weird vibrations, sounds and paralysis I had experienced. When I asked Steven to help me initiate astral again, he agreed.

My second few attempts at astral were short and quite amusing in hindsight. I meditated and found myself buzzing. I also heard strange noises, as if there were people in my home carrying on a discussion. I ignored it because it made no sense and rolled over. However, I rolled off the bed! This surprised me (I did not know I had left my body at this point). I tried to get up, but found myself stuck in the floor! I panicked and felt sucked back into my body. I could hear what sounded like wind in my ears the whole time. I also heard a velcro sound, as if someone was ripping velcro apart right in my ears. Steven was laughing at my reaction when I opened my eyes. My heart was pounding again. I hated that feeling. I also thought about how I was stuck in the floor. Steven said, "You don't have a body, so how can you walk?" I didn't understand.

I had several more of these astral or out of body experiences. Each time I experienced the same loud wooshing noise in my ears followed by a velcro sound as I exited by body. I became so excited when I heard this noises that I had many failed attempts before I was able to finally exit my body. Then I often ended up stuck in place, usually in the floor right next to my bed. It was very frustrating. I did not have a book at this time to help me, just Steven. He explained to me that I was re-learning something that I had forgotten how to do, but assured me that I could do it.

Finally, I had a successful attempt that took me farther away from my body. When I rolled out of my body (this worked best for me at the time) I was not stuck in the ground or the bed. I tried to walk and just spun and spun and got nowhere. I then heard Steven suggest that I "think" myself to the bathroom. So that is what I did. I felt a rushing sensation and could not see anything. The next thing I knew, I was in front of my bathroom mirror! I was so excited that I quickly popped back into my body with a woosh and a "pop" (these are actual noises that I heard).

Once I realized I could move around in astral, I became intent on learning everything I could about how to get about and explore this new place. I quickly learned that the farther I got from my body, the easier it was for me to stay in astral. So as soon as I rolled out of my body (or sat up, or flew out, or whatever I chose to do to exit) I flew as fast as I could away from my body. Usually if I got outside (either through doors or up through the ceiling) I was good as I could no longer sense my body as strongly. I experimented with going into objects, flying, going in outer space, traveling to places I wanted to go, and spying on people. I rarely encountered anyone in astral. If I did, they were often unaware of me. Those that did recognize me were usually animals and small children. I always felt Steven close by, though he rarely spoke to me unless I spoke to him first. This really bothered me, but in astral I didn't care. I was FREE!

There are a few times when Steven or another guide has taken me places in astral. One time that is forever engrained in my memory is from 2004 when Steven took my hand and we instantly were in another world.
At the time I was very curious about other planets and past lives where I had lived on other planets. I had asked my guide to show me where I came from.

He took me to a planet and we flew through the blue, cloud covered sky where there were indigo streaks and floating buildings, or what seemed like buildings. It was spectacular! We entered one of the buildings which seemed almost alive as it "breathed" and had a outer "skin" which was soft to the touch. I remember thinking "This isn't a building at all! Its a vessel of some sort!"

He took me down the corridor and I was aware that the vessel was circular. We came to a large room and in the room I could see dividers made of fabric set up with beds in between each divider.  We approached a bed and there, lying in it, was a woman asleep. She had several people in her area but an older woman was seated next to her. Just as I watched, she lurched forward and her clothing shimmered and I saw a blue, sequin dress on her. She began talking to me (or so it seemed) but what she said made no sense. I questioned my guide and he said matter-of-factly "She is dreaming. Say what you need to say to her now." I won't go into what I told her as it is private (I knew this woman).

After we left, I awoke and later determined the info I was getting about other physical worlds was too much and asked it to stop. So I have not been back to this world, but the memory of it is still vivid. It was a very beautiful, serene place.

At some point I asked Steven to help me enter astral without all the strange noises, vibrations and visuals. They distracted me and often led me to pop back into my body prematurely. I was able to just ask prior to going to sleep to go into astral. I would say, "I want to astral tonight". Then, within a few hours of falling asleep I would become conscious in my dream and immediately exit my body and go off on an adventure. I would look at the clock as I exited my body and when I would waken I would look at it again. My typical time of exit is around 1am. I usually re-entered at about 5am.

This has been my preferred method of entering astral for some time. I can enter astral consciously via techniques I found in Astral Dynamics, by Robert Bruce. Though the techniques worked well for me, it was hard for to initiate astral for periods of time longer than a few minutes because the vibrations, noises, sounds and visuals would excite me so much that I would immediately pop back into my body. Meditation brought me to the conclusion that I could initiate astral via my dreams, since my dreams are highly lucid anyway. Therefore, I wake myself up in my dreams, exit my body and take off from there.

All these experiences were between 2003-2007. I have had very infrequent astral adventures since by daughter's birth in 2008.

My most recent astral journey took place spontaneously. I had not slept well in days and was physically and emotionally depleted. I fell asleep and within moments of doing so, became aware that I was out of my body and speaking to a guide, one I was not familiar with. He was in silhouette next to me and I could hear him speaking to me. I don't remember what he was saying now, but I remember being vastly interested in what he looked like. My curiosity was answered with a visual picture that was placed in my mind by this spiritual guide of whom I had no accessible memory. I could see he was young, maybe 20, and not very tall, with dark hair and sparkly white skin (similar to how the vampires look in the Twilight series when they are in the sun). I could hear his voice in my head and I became very excited because I wanted to go off and be "free" since I knew my level of consciousness was high and I wanted to get as far away from my body before it "sucked" me back in.

I took off out of the room and down the stairs. I was flying low to the floor, as I remember seeing the wood floors and the weave of the carpet as I reached the stairs and descended down them. I went toward the door, flew threw it and headed toward the tops of the trees. My vision was in and out and I tried hard to relax and not fixate on that "problem" so that I could see. I was able to maintain astral sight throughout the rest of the journey, mostly outside where the moon was bright and the air was crisp. I began to fly higher but was interrupted by my body, which pulled me back into it quickly. I tried to re-enter astral before awaking. I could feel my body buzz and my limbs felt paralyzed as I settled back into my body. I awakened reluctantly but was energized and excited that I had the experience since it had been months since my last one. I could sense my guide near me still and I thanked him, though I had not figured out yet who he was or why he was interrupting my sleep and initiating astral at a time when I most needed my sleep!

So this new guide, Jeb, has entered my dreams and initiated astral purposefully to get my attention. It has worked. He also brings information about my future, which can be disturbing and upsetting. I got a message from him this morning upon waking that was equally as disturbing. When I asked him why, he said, "To help you". I always listen to the info, especially if I hear it audibly, which I did this morning. It always happens, too. So I will brace myself for more family issues as was indicated by both the dreams and messages I got this morning. I will also be prepared for more astral as I am certain my return to the interest in astral has something to do with future lessons/training. My thoughts about astral have been mostly questions, wondering what its purpose is in my life. I learned a lot about myself - how to control my thoughts and emotions and how to manifest - so I wonder, what else is there to learn? Maybe I will now be able to use astral at a higher level. I hope so.


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