Turtle Totem

Turtle has visited both my dreams and my waking life in the last 24 hours. I noticed him right away. The first sighting came yesterday on my way home from work. He was so big and stretched out that I thought he was a large lizard. I slowed down and looked closer and saw he was in fact a very large turtle. I immediately thought about how the shell protects the turtle and acts as a portable home. I also recognized that this turtle seemed to be on the move.

Perhaps the turtle made a bigger impression than I realized because last night I dreamed of turtles. In fact, that part of the dream was probably the most vivid and I remember being curious about them. I thought, Why are there so many turtles? In the dream a lady was releasing the turtles into a lake near a pier and I was standing on the pier looking at them. It was a large turtle and many smaller turtles. I lost count of how many there were but it seemed like it was a mother and her babies. 

Then this morning on my drive in to work I saw a large turtle in the middle of the road. This one was tucked inside his shell waiting for the cars to pass over him. I could just barely make out his nose poking out. I worried he would be hit and even thought  to stop and pick him up and put him on the other side of the road. But then I realized if he crossed he would be in a field. On the other side of the field was the highway. It seemed like he was heading for his death. 

It has been a long time since turtle has popped up this often in my life, so I realized I should take note of the message he brings me. Turtle symbolizes endings and new beginnings. Turtle can also mean the completion of one phase that leads into a new cycle of opportunity. This new cycle will be more successful and include recognition. Turtle also can symbolize a willingness to begin a new cycle after the completion of a difficult cycle, a feeling of connection to the universe and one's mission, travel, or a change in job or residence. Turtle reminds us to be patient, pay attention to the details and recognize that our hard work is about to pay off. It is important that if one has indeed reached the end of a cycle that the cycle is suppose to end and that one should recognize that they are indeed ready for this new cycle to begin. Turtle is slow and takes his time. This slowing down helps one take notice of that which is around them. Those who move fast and are impatient often make hasty decisions that could result in negative outcomes. Turtle reminds us to slow down so as to not miss important opportunities. 

As I reflect on the message turtle brings me, I remember Steven telling me "be patient" and "wait". I get a feeling that the time is not yet to make any decisions. Just this morning I thought I would just resign and not work anymore - I am tired of being concerned about my job and my future career. I just want to take a break. Summer break is fast approaching and I could sell my house and move and leave all this behind me. Then I read about turtle's message and I think, "Not yet". It is frustrating. I am not one to slow down and be patient. I want to move on already!

But I will listen to this message and slow down. I will take notice of what is going on around me, listen to my intuition and trust that the direction my life is going is where I am suppose to be going. It will all work out and it will be what is best for me and those in my life who I love. 


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