
The chaotic phase I have been going through for the better part of 2013 has come to an end. Life is feeling calm. I am taking a deep, relaxed breath of thankfulness to have made it through such an uncertain time.

A new guide presented himself to me a few days ago. I sensed him before then, but did not take the time to look at him or ask him his name. When I finally did ask his name I heard a name I could not pronounce followed quickly by the name Jeb. His demeanor is not much different than that of Steven, though I can detect a slight difference, mainly that he seems not as close and that he is distracted or not completely focused upon me like Steven. It is hard to describe but I can sense that he is a temporary guide, coming through to assist at a certain time and then moving on to help another. He may return to help me at another time, or he may not. He is guide number 4 out of 5 right now. I am not certain about the other guides, but 4 of them are pretty much always with me, one of which is Steven. I do know two of them are female and I believe there is a male guide who mostly observes and provides healing. I don't know their names; haven't asked. It is not necessary to know their names or to even know they are there. I trust they will do well by me. 

So Jeb gave me a message that is becoming clearer with each passing day. He said, "You have weathered the storm. Now it is smooth sailing." He then told me his title - Teacher and Master of Life. I couldn't help but chuckle a little at the "Master of Life" part just because it felt as if he was making a joke, but then again I am not sure. His energy is hard to read. With the message I got a vision of smooth, calm, dark waters spread out in front of me and I could see a shoreline in the distance that looked like that of a remote, tropical island with mountains. I understood the darkness of the water to indicate uncertainty of what lies ahead. The smoothness of the water indicates emotional calm. The feeling that came with the vision was a relaxed one similar to how one feels after making it through a difficult ordeal where all hope has been lost only to return in the end. The mountains of the tropical island suggest that when I reach my destination I may find myself ascending difficult terrain, but not so difficult that I cannot reach the top. In the past, when I was going through the toughest times in my life thus far, the mountains were rugged and devoid of life, rocks breaking away beneath my feet in the visions I had during my frequent meditations. These mountains are lush and solid. Much better footing suggesting that I am better prepared for what lies ahead.

There is a bit of uncertainty that lies ahead for me at this time, but I feel calmer and less concerned about what is coming. I find myself distracted and looking at the landscape around me as I drive to work. I feel as if I need to take in all the natural beauty and looking at it makes me feel calmer. It is as if I am trying to engrain the pictures into my mind so as to not forget them. It is sorta surreal. I feel as if I am getting ready to move on, but to what? I will see, I guess, and that is fine with me.

I have not felt this calm or been this distracted on my frequent drives by the natural world like this since this time last year. It is nice, but something about it bothers me. There is a feeling of finality to it similar to how one feels when they are about to move house. It is also similar to the feeling one gets before they depart the body (death). It is somewhat scary, but then it isn't. Like I said, it is a surreal feeling.

When I recall having this feeling last year at this time, similar changes were underway to what I sense coming this year. I had learned that my position at work would change but had not been told how. I didn't learn of the changes until August. I am hoping that is not the case this time around. I am searching for new work, as a counselor. Unlike last year, this change is being chosen by me, not forced upon me. When I ask when I will find work, my guides tell me June. I am counting on it!

To all those who have been struggling through difficult times this year, remember that it comes and goes in waves and it will eventually pass. Sometimes we go through our darkest times right before we embark on some of the greatest.  


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